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1、TWO MAIN LEGAL FAMILIES Common/English/English-American Law (Legal) System/Family普通法系 - case law system- Anglo-Saxon case-law system- Anglo-American legal system Continental/Roman/Civil Law (Legal) System/Family大陆法系 - civilian legal system- civil-law system 2、civil law民法、国内法、罗马法、大陆法 3、substantive Law(实体法)VS procedural Law(程序法) 4、case law(案例法) vs. statutory law(成文法) statutory / written / codified / enacted law制定法、成文法 5、adversary trial system(对抗制) vs. inquisitorial system (纠问制) 6、jury trial system陪审团制度 7、The?reports?of?the? United?States?Supreme?Court联邦最高法院判例汇编 The?reports?of??some?States州法院判例汇编 8、legal?cases法律案例 9、private?law and / vs. public law 10、the statutory?law continues?to?be subject?to?binding interpretation?through?case?law (其成文法继续适用通过判例法(注:即先例)进行的有约束力的解释) 11、Common law (in narrow sense): - common general law - local law - itinerant judges of the English royal court - enforcement of a claim - special form of action: writ - classical Roman law - Provisions of Oxford (1258)牛津条例 - “writ upon the case”本案令状 12、enforcement 强制执行;claim 请求;action 诉讼行为;writ 法院令状; recourse 追索权;追索,追偿 13、Equity law衡平法 - “ equity ”——doing?equity - chancellor - relief 救济 - judiciary - Court of Chancery (衡平法院)and / vs. ordinary common law courts -maxim - fixed, inflexible - equitable doctrines (e.g. law of salvage at sea) - In a conflict between law equity,equity should prevail. 14、award compensatory, compensate damages specific performance特定履行|实际履行 injunction强制令 real/immoveable property(不动产) and / vs. personal/moveable property (动产) common law remedy/relief:普通法救济 - (compensatory) damages金钱赔偿 equity/equitable remedies/relief:衡平法救济 - injunction ( a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act)强制令 - specific performance (a party to an agreement is ordered by the court to perform his obligations according to the terms of the agreement) - restitution 17、judicial express (明示)vs. implied (默示) provision, provide jurisdiction 管辖区域,法域; (司法)管辖权 civil suit民


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