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上海交通大学管理学院 美国隐患重重,企业欺诈成风。 大亨编造假账,犹如鬼斧神工。 或是虚报收入,或是隐瞒亏空。 前有环球安然,后有默克世通… 一个接着一个,丑闻层出不穷。股票变成废纸,引起一片惶恐。害苦众多股民,愁煞白宫诸公。此风遏制不易,前途未卜吉凶。难弄,难弄! 《商业伦理》课程大纲 商业伦理引言 高峰体验、佛家生命观(形而上学部分) 商业伦理基本理论(哲学部分) 现代功利论:《第五项修炼》 现实中的伦理议题(实务部分,见下页) 现实中的伦理议题 公司与员工 公司与客户 公司与股东 公司与供应商 公司与竞争对手 公司与政府 公司与社区、社会 公司与自然环境保护 跨国公司与全球伦理 从企业文化到伦理型公司 Fortune 500强,90%的公司有成文的伦理守则; 60%以上的美国大企业和50%的欧洲大企业设有企业伦理机构; 美国制造业和服务业前1000家企业中,20%聘有伦理主管; 90年代中期,40%左右的美国企业进行了伦理培训。 1987年,John Shad捐款2000万美元给哈佛商学院,倡议开设“决策与伦理价值”课程,HBS从1988年起开设; 截止1993年,美国90%的商学院开设了企业伦理方面的课程; 80年代以来,企业伦理学方面的研究机构、出版物在美国、加拿大、欧洲、南美、中东、日本、韩国纷纷问世。 上海交通大学管理学院 Learning Objectives What is “business ethics?” Why do so many people think “business ethics” is an oxymoron? (Why are people cynical and what can we do about it?) Is business ethics a fad or an ‘afterthought’? Can business ethics be taught? What is Ethics ? Ethics can be understood as sets of formal and informal standards of conduct that people use to guide their behavior. These standards are based in part on principles derived from core values such as honesty, respect and trust. Ethics Resource Center So. . .What is Business Ethics ? The principles, norms and standards of conduct governing an individual or a group. Ethics Examples: The Six Pillars of Character by The Josephson Institute of Ethics Trustworthiness: honesty, integrity, promise-keeping, loyalty Respect: autonomy, privacy, dignity, courtesy, tolerance, acceptance Ethics Examples: Responsibility: accountability, pursuit of excellence Caring: compassion, consideration, giving, sharing, kindness, loving Ethics Examples: Justice and fairness: procedural fairness, impartiality, consistency, equity, equality, due process Civic virtue and citizenship: law abiding, community service, protection of environment “Ethical Dilemmas”. . . . . . . . . . . . . a textbook definition Situations concerning right and wrong where values are in conflict. Trevino N