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电子商务时代的消费行为分析 PAGE 19 电子商务时代的消费行为分析 摘 要 近年以来,我国计算机普及率大大提高,互联网的发展普 及更使网络使用成本大大降低,硬件设施的不断完善使我们进 人了网络时代,电子商务已经不再陌生,走人了千家万户。越来 越多的人看到的网上购物的方便与快捷。2003年上半年的一场 ”非典”把大部分中国的消费者困在了家里,随着科技的高速发展、电子商务走进了千家万户、消费者的行为在这个新兴的电子商务时代、也有了一些新的特征。必威体育精装版的调查表明、网络文化、消费者性别、消费者年龄、消费者受教育程度和家庭收入水平等因素、直接影响着消费行为、这些因素的相互作用、决定了消费动机的复杂性和多样化、也将消费者划分为不同的群体、随着电子商务继续深入发展、网络消费的群体特征也将越来越明显 关键词:网上购物/消费行为分析/网络文化/消费动机/电子商务时代/消费者的行为 E-COMMERCE AGE CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOR ANALYISIS ABSTRACT Since in recent years, computer penetration rate in China greatly improved, and the development of the Internet and more make network use at greatly reduced costs, the perfection of the hardware facilities that we in the Internet era, electronic business is no longer strange, leave the country. The more and more people see online shopping convenience and fast. For the first half of 2003 to a \SARS\ put most of the Chinese consumers trapped in the home, along with the rapid development of science and technology, electronic business into the country, consumer behavior in this emerging e-commerce era, also had some new features. The latest survey shows that, the network culture, gender, age, consumers consumer education degree and consumers being family income level, factors, directly affect the consumption behavior, the interaction of the factors, the consumption of the complexity of the motivation to diversification, and will also consumers into different groups, as electronic commerce continues to develop, the group characteristics of Internet consumption also will more and more obvious KEYWORDS:online/shopping/consumption/behavior/analysis/network culture/consumption motivation e-commerce age / consumer behavior 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc311144733 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc311144733 \h I HYPERLINK \l _Toc311144734 ABSTRACT PAGEREF _Toc311144734 \h II HYPERLINK \l _Toc311144735 1网络消费者的行为特征及变化 PAGEREF _Toc311144735 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc311144736 1.1网络


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