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An Analysis of the Loss Factors in Compulsory Automobile Liability Insurance-Some Effects on Premium rates
研 究 生:郝 修 台 Shiou-Tai Hao
指導教授:楊 顯 爵 Hsien-Chuen Peter Yang
A Thesis Submitted to
Department of Risk Management and Insurance
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
In Partial fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of Master
Risk Management and Insurance
December 2003
Yenchao, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China
摘 要
本研究針對強制汽車責任保險之從人因素、從車因素及其它因素在理賠金額上的差異情形,以國內某大產物保險公司2000 ~ 2002年間之534件已結案的理賠案例進行資料分析,利用卡方檢定、三因子及二因子及單因子變異數分析與無母數單因子變異數分析,實證分析可能會影響理賠金額之損失因素,以檢定是否應採用此風險分類因素作為費率釐定之參考依據。並得到下列之結論與建議:
1. 「從人因素」中駕駛人的性別、婚姻、肇事記錄及是否為被保險人,與「從車因素」之車輛種類在理賠金額上有顯著差異。
2. 機車有必要將「從人因素」列入加減費之考量。
3. 自小客、貨車的肇事賠款記錄之加減費係以被保險人(車主)之性別、年齡為依據,而非以肇事的駕駛人,顯然有失公平。
4. 各年齡層之加減費係數與級距應依現況,有進一步修正之必要。
5. 婚姻狀況可列入加減費之考量,且可與損失因素「年齡」一併考量,因其與年齡有高度相關。
6. 以申請理賠者為有肇事記錄者,顯然有失公平。
7. 強制汽車責任保險的理賠應從寬,而審核應從嚴。
This paper examines the difference among driver, vehicle and other factors related with the insured and driver’s compensation in compulsory automobile liability insurance. The study look at 534 the settled cases of a domestic insurance company from 2000 to 2002 in Taiwan. Chi-square test, three-way ANOVA、two-way ANOVA and one-way ANOVA and nonparametric statistics(Kruskal-Wallis test)are used to analyze the possible factors that affect the loss in compensation, in order to check with the risk factors affecting premium rate according to this empirical results. We conclude as the following:
(1)There is a significant difference in compensation based on a driver’s gender、 marital status、compensatory records and whether he is the insured or not, and the factor of vehicles also affects the amount of compensation .
(2) “Driver factor” should be considered in the case of motorcycles.
(3)It’s extremely unfair to increase premium according to compensatory record of