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2006, 19( 3): 385~ 390 Forest R esearch : 2006) 1 1 2 王 兵 , 赵广东 , 杨锋伟 ( 1. , , 100091; 2. , 100714) : IGBP , 25~ 35 N(W ETSC), (WETSC); Statio S ite, ; ; , : ; ; ; : S71855 : A Construction and Layout Pattern of Forest Ecosystem Research Station Based on the Transect Theories 1 1 2 WANG B ing , ZHA O Guang dong , YAN G Feng w ei ( 1. Research I stitute of Forest Ecology, E v iro me t a d Protectio , CAF, K ey Laboratory ofForest Eco logy a d E viro me t, State Forestry Admi istratio , Beiji g 100091, Chi a; 2. D epartme t of Scie ce a d T ech ology, State Forestry A dm i istratio , Beiji g 100714, Chi a) Abstract: Tra sect research i the co ditio of global cha ge is bei g a focus of IGBP i rece t years. O the basis of tra sect theories, the regio from latitude 25N to latitude 35N alo g the Ya gtze Valley was firstly defi ed asW estEast Tra sect of Souther Chi a(WETSC) a d the co structio a d layout patter of forest ecosystem research statio i the area ofWESTC w as put forward i this paper. Based o the foreig adva ced theories of from statio to site i the lo gterm e cosystem research, the small tra sect as follow i g Jiu lia sha Ji gga gsha Daga gsha Lusha from tra sitio al regio of south subtropical zo e a d m idsubtrop ical zo e alo g Ga jia g river valley i Jia gxi Prov i ce would be set up. The the small tra sect fou datio ofM ts. A ltaythe Ergis R iverthe Ju ggar Basi T ia sha Mou tai s from North to South i X i jia g Uygur Auto om ous Regio w as d


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