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个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 PAGE / NUMPAGES 个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 广西科技大学毕业论文 毕业论文题目: 中国平安财产保险有限公司广西分公司柳州支公司 员工培训体系改善研究 姓 名: 李世民 系 别: 管理系 专 业: 工业工程 班 别: 指导老师: 康熙 日 期: 2012年5月15日 摘要 当今世界,资本、技术、金融、信息等生产要素在全球范围内的流动越来越快速频繁,世界各个经济体互相之间的经济来往也越来越密切。我国自加入WTO后与世界的往来越来越密切,在全球化经济发展的趋势下,中国面临着巨大的机遇和严峻的挑战。金融业也因此面临着巨大的竞争,金融业中的保险业进入了激烈的国际竞争环境之中。在企业中,员工素质的高低对企业经营的成功有着重要的影响,企业家应该不断完善企业内部的员工培训体系,为企业培育出符合企业发展目标的高素质人才,增强企业的人才竞争力。 在中国平安财产保险有限公司广西分公司柳州支公司的三个月实习中,我通过各种渠道去学习和巩固人力资源管理、企业员工培训等方面的知识,结合实习所在公司的发展状况和员工培训体系现状,调查发现公司目前在员工培训这方面上存在的一些问题,并运用自己所学的知识为公司提供一个员工培训体系的解决方案。 关键词:财产保险;员工培训体系;业务员;培训管理 Abstract In todays world, capital, technology, finance, information and other factors of production in the context of the global flow more and more rapid frequent, world each economies between each other with the economy more and more is also closely. Since China joined the WTO and the world with after more and more close, in the globalization trend of economic development, China is facing a huge opportunity and severe challenges. The financial industry is facing a huge so competition, the financial sector of the insurance industry into the fierce international competition environment in. In the enterprise, the level of the quality of the staff to the success of the business has an important effect, entrepreneurs should constantly perfect enterprise internal employee training system for the enterprise produced in accordance with the business development goals of high-quality personnel, the enhancement enterprises talents competence. In the China peace property insurance Co.LTD. Guangxi branch liuzhou enterprise of three month in the practice, I through various channels to learn and consolidate the human resource management, enterprise staff training, and other aspects of the knowledge, combined with the practice in the development of the company and the employee training system present situation, the survey found that the company is currently in the emp


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