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冰雪奇缘 她诞生于寒冬,伴随着雨水而至。 Born of cold and winter airAnd mountain rain combining 冰雪的力量,让人难以忍耐却绝对公平。 This icy force both foul and fair Has a frozen heart worth mining. 她有一颗值得你追寻的冰封的心。 Has a frozen heart worth mining 我们来剖开它,它是如此冷淡而透明。 So out through the heart 触及爱,触及恐惧。 Cold and clear Strike for love and strike for fear 美丽通透却又锋利。 See the beauty sharp and sheer 切开冰层,释放这冰封的心。 Split the ice apart And break the frozen heart Hup, ho 哈~嚯~注意脚下~起~ Watch your step Let it go 哈~嚯~注意脚下~起~ Hup, ho Watch your step Let it go 多么美丽~多么强大~ Beautiful Powerful 多么危险~多么冷酷~ Dangerous Cold 冰雪的魔力就要失控。 Ice has a magic Cant be controlled 强于一人,强于十人, Stronger than one 一百个男人也无法比上~ Stronger than ten Stronger than a hundred men! Oh! 她诞生于寒冬,伴随着雨水而至。 Born of cold And winter air And mountain rain combining 冰雪的力量,让人难以忍耐却绝对公平。 This icy force both foul and fair 她有一颗值得你追寻的冰封的心。 Has a frozen heart worth mining 我们来剖开它,它是如此冷淡而透明。 Cut through the heart Strike for love and strike for fear 触及爱,触及恐惧。 Cold and clear 它是这么美,却又如此危险。 Theres beauty and theres danger here 切开冰层, Split the ice apart 当心这冰封的心。 Beware the frozen heart 来吧, Sven~ Come on, Sven. Elsa, 嘘, Elsa. Psst! Elsa~ Elsa! 醒来~醒来~醒来~ Wake up. Wake up. Wake up! Anna, 快睡吧~ Anna, go back to sleep. 我睡不着,天空还醒着,而我也是 I just cant. The sky is awake, so Im awake. 我应该出去玩的 So, we have to play. 那你自己去 Go play by yourself. 你想堆雪人吗, Do you want to build a snowman? 快点~快点~快点~快点~ Come on, come on, come on! 来点魔法~来点魔法~ Do the magic! Do the magic! Oh... - 准备好了, - 嗯嗯... - Ready? - Uh-huh. 太神奇了~ This is amazing! 看这个~ Watch this! 哈啰~我是 Olaf~ 我喜欢温暖的拥抱 Hi, Im Olaf, and I like warm hugs. 我喜欢你, Olaf. I love you, Olaf! Olaf... Tickle bumps! Oh! - 好了,接住我~ - 接到了~ Hang on! Catch me! Again! - 再来~ - 等等~ Gotcha! Wait! 慢点~ - Whoo-hoo! - Slow down! Anna~ Whoo! Anna! Anna, Anna! 妈妈~爸爸~ Mama! Papa! No, no... 你会没事的, Anna, 我就在这。 Youre okay, Anna. I got you. Elsa, 你做了什么,这里怎会变这样, Elsa, what have you don


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