
东华大学机械原理课件 平面连杆机构及其设计第一节.ppt

东华大学机械原理课件 平面连杆机构及其设计第一节.ppt

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Chap.3 Planar? Linkage and Its Design Sun Zhihong Room307,No.3 Teaching Building Today’s topics What is planar linkage mechanisms ( 连杆机构)? Characteristics of planar linkage mechanisms (连杆机构的特点) Classification and applications of four-bar linkages(四杆机构的分类及应用)? Planar Linkage Mechanism Definition: Linkage mechanisms are lower-pair mechanisms, in which all links are connected with each other by lower kinematic pairs (revolute pairs or sliding pairs/prismatic pairs). Properties of linkage mechanisms: .连杆机构中的运动副均为低副(lower pair)。低副运动副元素为面接触,压强较小,故可承受较大的载荷;且有利于润滑,磨损较小;运动副元素几何形状简单(平面或圆柱面),便于加工制造,成本低。 Properties of linkage mechanisms 在连杆机构中,当原动件的运动规律不变,可用改变各构件的相对长度来使从动件得到不同的运动规律。 在连杆机构中,连杆上各点的轨迹是各种不同形状的曲线(称为连杆曲线),其形状还随着各构件相对长度的改变而改变,从而可以得到形式众多的连杆曲线,我们可以利用这些曲线来满足不同轨迹的设计要求。 Disadvantages of linkage mechanisms 由于连杆几的运动必须经过中间构件进行传递,因而传递路线较长,易产生较大的误差积累,同时,也使机械效率降低。 在连杆机构运动过程中,连杆及滑块的质心都在作变速运动,所以产生的惯性力难于用一般平衡方法加以消除,因而会增加机构的动载荷(dynamic load),所以连杆机构不宜用于高速运动。 Four-bar linkages Four-bar linkage is the simplest planar linkage whose DOF is 1. There are four links and four lower pairs in a four-bar linkage mechanism. Types: Revolute four-bar mechanism(铰链四杆机构) One sliding pair four-bar mechanism(含有一个移动副的四杆机构) Two sliding pair four-bar mechanism(含有两个移动副的四杆机构) Revolute four-bar mechanisms Coupler(连杆) Classification of revolute four-bar mechanisms According to the type of the two side links, the types of four-bar mechanisms can be divided into: Crank-rocker mechanism(曲柄摇杆机构) Usually, crank is the driving link, sometimes not. Revolute four-bar mechanisms Double-crank mechanism(双曲柄机构) Both side links can completely rotate 360 relatively to the frame. If one crank rotate at a constant angular velocity, the other one will rotate at a varying speed. Double-rocker mechanism(双摇杆机构) Both the side links can only rock through a limited angle relatively to the frame. The driving rocker oscillates at a constant angular velocity, the driven rocker rocks at a va


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