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15Health Teaching in the Nurse-Client Relationship OUTLINEImportance of Health TeachingBasic Concepts Definition Health Teaching Domains Theoretical Frameworks Precede Model Client-Centered Health Teaching Concepts of Empowerment Concepts of Critical Thinking Behavioral Models Behavioral ConceptsApplications Constructing a Teaching Plan Teaching Applications in different SettingsSummary What is health teaching?P282 Health teaching is defined as a specialized creative interpersonal nursing intervention whereby the nurse provides information, emotional support, and health-related skill training to clients for the purpose of helping individuals and their families cope effectively with health problems and achieve maximum well-being. Health Teaching Domains P283 Cognitive(understanding content) Affective(changing attitudes and promoting acceptance) Psychomotor(hands-on skill development) Theoretical Frameworks(Ⅰ)PRECEDE Model P284 Predisposing, Reinforcing, Enabling Causes in Educational Diagnosis and Evaluation Theoretical Frameworks(Ⅱ)Client-centered Health Teaching The process of health teaching is a client-centered process that integrates knowledge of the content area, self-awareness, and a good understanding of teaching-learning principles with knowledge of the clients learning needs and provision of emotional support. * * OBJECTIVES At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to 1.Define health teaching 2.Contrast selected theoretical frameworks used in health teaching 3.Use the nursing process to develop, implement, and evaluate a teaching care plan 4.Specify teaching strategies relevant to health teaching WHO的健康标准 一、心理健康及社会环境适应能力方面1、有足够充沛的精力,能从容不迫地应付日常生活和的工作压力,而不过分紧张。2、处世乐观,态度积极,乐于承担责任,事无巨细不挑剔。 3、善于休息,睡眠良好。 4、应变能力强,能适应环境的各种变化。 二、身体方面 1、能够抵抗一般的感冒和传染病。 2、体重适当,身体匀称,站立时头、臂、臀位置协调。 3、眼
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