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What does he look like? He is … He has … What does she look like? She is … She has … 多个形容词修饰名词时 其顺序为: ?限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色)?--出处--材料性质,类别--名词??? a?small?round?table?? a?tall?gray?building?? a?dirty?old?brown?shirt? a?famous?German?medical?school an?expensive?Japanese?sports?car 1)?Tony?is?going?camping?with?___?boys.? ??A.?little?two?other?B.?two?little?other??C.?two?other?little??D.?little?other?two ? ?答案:C。由限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色)?--性质--名词的公式可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序,只有C符合答案。 2)?One?day?they?crossed?the?____bridge?behind?the?palace. ?A.?old?Chinese?stone???B.?Chinese?old?stone??C.?old?stone?Chinese??D.?Chinese?stone?old ? 答案A.?几个形容词修饰一个名词,他们的排列顺序是:年龄,形状,大小+颜色+来源+质地+用途+国家+名词。 一般与被修饰形容词关系密切的形容词靠近名词;如果几个形容词的重要性差不多,音节少的形容词在前,音节多的方在后,在不能确定时,可参照下表: 限定词+数量词(序数词在前,基数词在后)+性状形容词+大小、长短、高低等形体+ those?+?three?+?beautiful?+?large?+?square? 新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+名词 old?+?brown?+?wood?+?table -short, short; tall, tall; short or tall? -heavy, heavy; thin, thin; heavy or thin? -short, short, I’m short. I want to be tall. -fat, fat, I’m fat. I want to be thin. -Lucy has long hair. Long hair makes her beautiful. -Jack has short hair. Short hair makes him handsome(帅). -What do you look like? Beauty? Beauty? Beauty! 3 4 2 Suppose you have witnessed a thief robbing money from a bank. Now a policeman is asking you some questions about the features of the thief. How will you describe the thief? Leaning tips: witness(目击者);rob(抢劫) );feature(特征) short a little heavy a big round face big ears a big head short hair a big mouth sing and dance a comedy actor (喜剧演员) lovely … … tall and thin long, curly hair a long, thin face humorous(幽默) popular(受欢迎) a host(主持人) favorite clever cool … … a writer short ,black hair medium height a beard is thinking wears a black coat … … 小组活动(相互提问填写表格,再作小组汇报) 4. 3. 2. Playing chess T-shirt Curly hair tall 1.Liu Peng likes wears has is name What do you look like now? Take out your pens and design a new look for yourself in the future. Report:


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