
北京大学计算概论课件第十五讲 结构体.ppt

北京大学计算概论课件第十五讲 结构体.ppt

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Lesson 15 Structures Hu Junfeng 2007/11/21 Objectives Single Structures Structure operations Arrays of Structures Passing and Returning Structures Case study: sort by index Case study: search by index Structure: introduction Structure: a group of variables gather together, got one name, often used to describe different features of one object For Example: struct Person { char name[80]; int height; int weight; }; Structure: exp1a Define a structure Declare variables of the structure Structure: exp1 Structure operations Valid Operations Assigning: = The dot (.) operator The address of () operator The sizeof operator Invalid Operations +, -, *,/ Structure: assignment Arrays —— Structures homogeneous heterogeneous consecutive aligned is an address ? is a list of objects is a compound object Structure as parameters —— pass by value Structure as parameters —— use pointer Returning a structure Arrays of Structures Array of structures Nested structure struct Person { char name[80]; int height; int weight; }; struct Student{ char id[10]; int score; struct Person p_info; }; A list of records —— Data table Each data item in structure is an entity by itself, called a data field Together, all the data fields form a single unit called a record In C, a record is referred to as a structure A list of records is often called a data table Sort by fields Use pointer array as index (initialize) Use pointer array as index (header line) Design: direct the pointers to the right records Header line: Input : name of index array name of data array Output: make changes of the index array according to the value of the data array Use pointer array as index (sort) Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Print by index Use subscript value as index Binary search (for sorted list) Binary search (use index) Binary search (use i


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