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Chapter 6Product and Brand Decisions 产品与品牌战略 Basic Product Concepts A product is a good, service, or idea Tangible Attributes Intangible Attributes Product classification Consumer goods Industrial goods Product Types Buyer orientation Amount of effort expended on purchase Convenience Preference Shopping Specialty Brands Bundle of images and experiences in the customer’s mind A promise made by a particular company about a particular product A quality certification Differentiation between competing products The sum of impressions about a brand is the Brand Image Brands Brands The added value that accrues to a product as a result of investments in the marketing of the brand An asset that represents the value created by the relationship between the brand and customer over time Brands “We have to shift to high value-added products, and to do that we need to improve our brand.” - Noboru Fujimoto, President Sharp Electronics Corporation Local Products and Brands Brands that have achieved success in a single national market Represent the lifeblood of domestic companies Entrenched local products/brands can be a significant competitive hurdle to global companies International Products and Brands Offered in several markets in a particular region ‘Euro-brands’ Global Products and Brands Global products meet the wants and needs of a global market and is offered in all world regions Global brands have the same name and similar image and positioning throughout the world Global Products and Brands A multinational has operations in different countries. A global company views the world as a single country. We know Argentina and France are different, but we treat them the same. We sell them the same products, we use the same production methods, we have the same corporate policies. We even use the same advertising—in a different language, of course. - Alfred Zeien Former Gillette CEO Branding Strategies-品牌战略 Combination or tiered branding-混合或层层上升品牌: allows marketers to leverage a
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