
安徽医科大学护理学院思维与沟通课件 第十四章.ppt

安徽医科大学护理学院思维与沟通课件 第十四章.ppt

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Healthy People 2000:Priority Areas 相关链接 牙刷的选择:头宽窄适合,柄扁平而直,每组毛长度相等,间距适当,无柱状。材料:硬毛清洁效果较好,但磨损作用和损伤也强,软毛却不能完全去除菌斑。 原则:按自己口腔情况选择大小、形状、软硬中等、刷头较小即可。 Primary prevention :根据病人年龄、文化、病情教会病人如何预防可能发生的疾病。 Secondary prevention :根据病情观察,提高诊断,及时治疗,减轻对机体伤害。 Tertiary prevention :减轻疾病致残因素,最大限度恢复病人的健康。 Applications Frameworks for Assessing Learner Readiness Health Promotion Model * * Chapter 14 Health Promotion and Client Learning Needs 健康促进和病人学习的需要 Basic Concepts Definition Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Applications 1.Motivation 2.Frameworks for Assessing Learner Reassigns Health promotion Model Trans-theoretical Model of Change Social Learning Theory OUTLINE 3.Factors Affecting Readiness to Learn Previous Knowledge and Experience Changes in Social Support Active Involvement of the Learner Inclusion of Family Members Physical Barriers to Learning Summary OUTLINE At the end of the chapter, the student will be able to 1.Define health promotion 2.Contrast motivational frameworks in health promotion 3.Identify factors related to a clients readiness to learn 4.Describe factors related to a clients ability to learn 5.Discuss the role of self-awareness in health promotion OBJECTIVES Health promotion is defined in clinical practice as organized actions of efforts that enhance, support, or promote the well-being or health of individuals, families, groups, communities or societies。 Health promotion 健康促进:通过临床实践,促进、支持、提高个人、家庭、社区、群体、社会在智力、心理、生理、职业、社会、达到完美状态,形成均衡的生活方式,改善健康前景,提高生活质量。 Health promotion 老年人需要: 工作、依存、和睦、安静、支配、尊敬、直爽、伴侣 老年人保健:少食多餐、多散步、 多参加有益身心活动、多看书、注意营养平衡、充足睡眠、控制油脂摄入 Health promotion 缓解心理压力: 1:准备一条冷毛巾,随时檫脸,以助清醒。 2:不断告诉自己,要能容忍别人不同的观点、意见 3:不要总是抱怨事情落在自己头上,而是想老天让我与日俱增经验和智慧,生活因此丰富。 4:简化生活欲望,因为生活越复杂,压力越大。 5:喝一杯酸梅汤或



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