济南大学外国语学院英国文学史及选读课件 Pre-Romanticism(2).ppt

济南大学外国语学院英国文学史及选读课件 Pre-Romanticism(2).ppt

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William Blake Jerusalem --William Blake     And did those feet in ancient time   Walk upon England‘s mountains green?   And was the holy Lamb of God   On England’s pleasant pastures seen?   远古时代的步履   是否登上过英格兰葱绿的群山?   是否神的圣洁羔羊 曾流连于英格兰快乐的牧场?      And did the Countenance Divine   Shine forth upon our clouded hills?   And was Jerusalem builded here   Among these dark satanic mills?   神的面容   是否照耀过我们云雾缭绕的山冈?   耶路撒冷是否建在这里   在这些黑暗魔鬼般的磨坊?   Bring me my bow of burning gold!   Bring me my arrows of desire!   Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!   Bring me my chariot of fire!   给我燃烧的黄金之弓!   给我希望之箭!   给我矛枪!哦,云层,展开!   给我火之战车!   I will not cease from mental fight,   Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,   Till we have built Jerusalem   In Englands green and pleasant land.   我不会停止精神之战,   不会让手中之剑休眠,   直到我们建造耶路撒冷   在葱绿美丽的英格兰。    Auguries of Innocence To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour. 天真的预言(节录) 一颗沙里看出一个世界, 一朵野花里一座天堂。 把无限放在你的手掌上, 永恒在一刹那里收藏。 (梁宗岱 译) 在一颗沙粒中见一个世界, 在一朵鲜花中见一片天空。 在你的掌心里把握无限, 在一个钟点里把握无穷。 (《布莱克诗集》,上海三联,张炽恒译) 从一粒沙看世界, 从一朵花看天堂, 把永恒纳进一个时辰, 把无限握在自己手心。 (王佐良 译) 一沙一世界, 一花一天国。 君掌盛无边, 刹那含永劫。 (宗白华 译) 一粒尘沙看世界, 一沙一世界, 一花一天堂。 掌握无限, 刹那永恒。 (MarsMan 译 #2) 一朵野花见天堂。 一只手掌握无限, 一个时辰纳永恒。 (MarsMan 译 #1) The complete 1794 collection was called Songs of Innocence and Experience Showing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul. Broadly speaking the collections look at human nature and society in optimistic and pessimistic terms, respectively - and Blake thinks that you need both sides to see the whole truth. The Lamb from Songs of Innocence? ? ? Little Lamb who made thee ?? Dost thou know who made thee Gave thee life bid thee feed. By the stream oer the mead; Gave thee clothing of delight, Softest



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