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内蒙古工业大学本科毕业设计说明书 本科毕业论文 本科毕业论文 题 目:供应链环境下的多级库存控制研究 题 目:供应链环境下的多级库存控制研究 二〇一一 年 六 月 二〇一一 年 六 月 内蒙古工业大学本科毕业论文 PAGE 内蒙古工业大学本科毕业论文 摘 要 随着全球经济一体化的发展和信息技术进步,形成了以买方为主导的市场,企业的竞争也由企业间的竞争转变为供应链间的竞争。企业只有具备快速响应顾客需求的能力,才能建立自己的核心竞争力并在激烈的市场竞争中获得稳定的生存和快速发展。传统的库存模式已经无法适应当前的经济模式和客户的需求,因而供应链环境下的多级库存控制模式被更多的企业接受并应用到实践中,以期能够在快速有效地满足顾客多样化需求的基础上实现低成本的运营,增强供应链的协调性,使企业在供应链的竞争中立于不败之地。 本文是从供应链管理的角度来研究一汽集团库存控制问题。论文首先介绍了研究背景、意义及国内外的研究现状。接着介绍了供应链管理及库存等相关理论的基础上,着重对多级库存理论进行了阐述。然后对汽车产业库存控制特点及一汽集团现今库存存在的问题;再次讲述了一汽集团实施多级库存控制的过程;最后对其实施结果进行评价,以验证多级库存控制策略在一汽集团应用的有效性。 关键字:供应链管理;多级库存;绩效评价 Abstract With the development of economic globalization and technological progress,buyers market has been formed,and the competition between enterprises has developed into to competition between whole supply chains.Only enterprises with the ability to respond quickly to customer needs in order to develop its own core competitive power can survive in the fierce market competition and development.The traditional inventory model already cant adapt to the current economic model and the needs of customers, and supply chain environment of multistage inventory control mode is more enterprise accept and into practice, in order to effectively meet the diverse needs of customers based on operation of achieving low cost and enhance coordination, causes the enterprise supply chain in supply chain competition invincible. This is article from the supply chain management point of view Faw inventory to study control problem. It firstly introduces the background, significance and domestic and international situation. Then introduces the supply chain management and inventory and related theory, this paper on the basis of the theory of multilevel inventory is discussed in this paper. And then the car industry inventory control characteristics and multilevel inventory of the implementation of the principles discussed; Once again about Faw implement multilevel inventory model process; Finally, the implement


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