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本科生毕业设计 题 目 某医院四层到十三层消防水系统设计 学 院   专 业 安全工程   学生姓名   学 号 年级 指导教师   教务处制表 二Ο一三 年 五 月 三十日 四川大学本科毕业设计 某医院四层到十三层消防水系统设计 某医院四层到十三层消防水系统设计 专业 安全工程 学生 指导老师 【摘要】现代医院往往人员密集,并且住院病人行动多有不便;建筑结构功能复杂;电气、给排水、暖通空调及医用气体设备众多,一旦发生火灾事故,火势很容易蔓延扩大,造成大量人员伤亡和重大经济损失,所以医院的消防工作就尤为重要。本文在该医院建筑结构和功能的基础上,根据相关法律法规和设计手册,对其进行了防火分区的划分,消火栓系统和自动喷水灭火系统的设计。本设计将该医院每个楼层划分为一个防火分区,以期在发生火灾时,将火势控制在每个楼层内,为人员疏散和火灾扑救提供有利条件。根据相关法律法规和设计手册,本文完成了消火栓和自动喷水灭火系统喷头的布置,对相关管网进行了设计规划,并且对管道进行了水力计算。 【关键字】医院;消防水系统;防火分区;消火栓系统;自动喷水灭火系统 Fire Water System Design for a Hospital(four to thirteen floors) Major : Safety Engineering Student: Ma Adviser: W Abstract: Modern hospitals is often crowded, and inpatient operations more inconvenient; structural functional complexity; electrical, plumbing, HVAC and medical gas equipment many, in the event of fire, the fire can easily spread and caused heavy casualties and major economic losses, so the hospital fire work is particularly important. In this paper, the hospital building structure and function based on the relevant laws and regulations and design manuals, its division of the fire district, fire hydrant system and sprinkler system design. The design of each floor of the hospital into a fire district in order in case of fire, the fire control on each floor, the evacuation and fire fighting to provide favorable conditions. According to relevant laws and regulations and design manuals, paper completed hydrant and automatic sprinkler system layout, the relevant pipe network design planning, and the pipeline of hydraulic calculations. Keywords: hospital; fire water system; fire district; hydrant system; automatic sprinkler system. 某医院四层到十三层消防水系统设计 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc5475 1.绪 论 l _Toc13269


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