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PAGE PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 哈 尔 滨 理 工 大 学 毕 业 设 计 题 目: 江淮汽车市场营销分析报告 Ⅰ 江淮汽车市场营销分析报告 摘 要 作为现代汽车主要营销渠道的汽车销售4S店在欧美己经流行了几十年,在1997年引入中国后,它在市场上发挥的作用越来越明显,但是,中国4S店管理的缺点和不足也充分体现出来。 江淮汽车有限公司是以重卡起家,到现在拥有全系车型,在营销模式是沿袭了日本4S销售体系,但随着汽车产业的发展,汽车市场从卖家市场向买家市场发生了转化,迫使江淮汽车有限公司不得不对4S销售进行创新和完善,使之更适应中国汽车市场的发展。 本文站在汽车销售4S店的管理立场上,以精细营销、服务营销、品牌营销等先进的营销理论为指导,结合我国汽车销售行业的历史和发展情况,通过对江淮汽车主要地区4S店的调查和不同层次的4S店管理者的探讨,深刻挖掘我国汽车4S店目前生存状况和经营管理问题。并且本文有针对性的对江淮汽车汽车公司在生产、经营、营销理念、公司理念、产品特点等进行了较为系统的分析,征求了国内外专业咨询机构的意见,对江淮汽车的4S销售进行了进一步的设计,提出了以培养顾客忠诚度为核心,结合中国消费者的文化特点,提高服务管理质量等一系列的改进和创新的建议,希望借此能增加江淮汽车在国内汽车市场的竞争力,并对江淮汽车在今后的发展能起到一定的借鉴作用。 关键词:4S营销;江淮汽车;服务创新 Ⅱ Jianghuai passenger car company of market sales strategy analysis Ⅱ Abstract As a popular sales model for automobile,4S dealer played a key role in past several ten years in American and Europe countries. It also active effect in Chinese market from 1997. The -china company is a joint venture from the jianghuai company and the company, The -china company inherited the Japan s marketing mode in the 4S sale system,but along with the development of the automobile industry, the automobile market took place the conversion toward the buyer market from the seller market, in this situation The -china company ,for make it even adapt the development of the Chinese automobile market. At first in this files, The writer make Precise Marketing,service marketing and the brand marketing as guide rules from 4S dealer management. Combining sales China about automobile, Through researching about 4S dealer at some city and discussed with 4S dealer managements,look for some problems and solves about of automobile. The writer analyzed products, position, and customer value marketing principle, company principle. asking for opinions from the domestic and international profession consultative organization. Make the further design about the 4S sale of the automobile of The -china company,The writer put forward to take the development cu



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