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从《新闻联播》的转型看电视新闻节目的改革与发展 PAGE 6 PAGE 5 摘 要 《新闻联播》从开播至今已有三十余年,是我国历史最为悠久的一档电视新闻节目。但是,随着网络时代的到来,人们更加倾向通过网络来获得新闻信息,使《新闻联播》丢失了大量的观众,直接导致收视率下滑,影响力下降,因此《新闻联播》不得不选择改版。同时,透过《新闻联播》的改版,研究我国电视新闻节目整体存在的问题,以及未来的发展策略。 通过查找和整理大量的资料,先对《新闻联播》的改版进行分析,第一章,梳理《新闻联播》的发展,分析现状并提出改版的必要性。第二章,从设备、内容、编排等多方面分析《新闻联播》的改版,由此也可以看出改版之后的《新闻联播》更受观众的追捧。第三章,透过《新闻联播》改版,分析我国电视新闻节目在整体发展上存在的问题,新闻过度娱乐化导致电视新闻节目品质的降低,而网络媒体的兴起也对传统电视新闻节目形成巨大的冲击。因此,针对这些存在的问题,我国电视新闻节目也应做出调整,所以,第四章提出对我国电视新闻节目未来发展的策略,通过树立栏目的品牌意识,节目内容不断创新,以及与网络媒体的结合等方式,制作出受观众接受并喜爱的电视新闻节目,以此挽回电视新闻节目的收视群体,提高电视新闻节目的收视率,以及影响力。 关键词:电视新闻节目;网络媒体;新闻娱乐化;新闻联播 Abstract It has been over thirty years since the CCTV News began broadcasting, it was the oldest TV news program in our country. However, with the coming of the network epoch, many people are increasingly inclined to get information through the network, which caused News Network lost a lot of audience. The slide in ratings, becoming less prominent were the direct results of losing audience. So the CCTV News had to choose a new revision. Meanwhile, through the new revision, study the problems of television news programs and its future development strategies. By searching and sorting large amounts of data, first was the analysis of the new revision, the first chapter, combing the development of CCTV News, analysis of the current situation and put forward the necessity of revision. The second chapter, it is from the equipment, arrangement, and so on to analysis the new revision of CCTV News which also can be seen after the revision of the” CCTV News “is more popular. The third chapter, through the CCTV News revision, analysis the problems of Chinese television news programs, the programming are getting drowned out by excessive entertainment and the rise of Internet media to the traditional TV news program has a great impact. Therefore, aiming at these problems, Chinese television news programs should also be adjusted, so, the fourth chapter puts forward some strategies of future development of Chinese


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