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毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 1Cr18Ni9Ti的热处理工艺与耐蚀性研究 摘要 奥氏体不锈钢,是指在常温下具有奥氏体组织的不锈钢。钢中含Cr约18%、Ni8%~10%、C约0.1%时,具有稳定的奥氏体组织。奥氏体铬镍不锈钢包括著名的18Cr-8Ni钢和在此基础上增加Cr、Ni含量并加入Mo、Cu、Si、Nb、Ti等元素发展起来的高Cr-Ni系列钢。奥氏体不锈钢无磁性而且具有高韧性和塑性,但强度较低,不可能通过相变使之强化,仅能通过冷加工进行强化,如加入S,Ca,Se,Te等元素,则具有良好的易切削性。本论文主要对奥氏体不锈钢1Cr18Ni9Ti热处理过程及其耐蚀性的研究,包括锻造、预先热处理、固溶处理、稳定化处理等材料成型的完整的热处理过程的介绍。并且本文还对不锈钢1Cr18Ni9Ti耐蚀性的原因,怎样做才能使其更具耐蚀性等等问题都做了一些介绍。不锈钢热处理过程中所用到的真空热处理炉,其结构、特性相当复杂,本文也对真空热处理炉做了一些介绍,用真空热处理炉做的不锈钢,可以防止不锈钢氧化脱碳保证工件的表面质量和机械性能。本文还对不锈钢1Cr18Ni9Ti的化学热处理、表面处理进行了一些介绍,表出面处理使其性能有更大的提高。最后文章对不锈钢热处理后的检验也做了介绍,主要为金相、力学性能等方面的检验。 关键词:奥氏体不锈钢 1Cr18Ni9Ti 固溶处理 稳定化处理 耐蚀性 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 Title:1Cr18Ni9Ti heat treatment process and corrosion resistance of Abstract: Austenitic stainless steel at room temperature, refers to with austenite stainless steel. Steel containing Cr18%, Ni8%~10%, C approximately 0.1%, with a stable austenite. Austenitic chromium nickel stainless steel including the prestigious 18Cr-8Ni steel and on the basis of increased Cr, Ni content and adding Mo, Cu, Si, Nb, Ti and other elements of development of high Cr-Ni series steel. Austenitic stainless steel non-magnetic and has high toughness and plasticity, but its strength is low, not possible through phase change to intensive, can only through the cold hardening, such as the accession to the S, Ca, Se, Te and other elements, it has good cutting performance. This thesis mainly on austenitic stainless steel 1Cr18Ni9Ti heat treatment process and corrosion resistance of the film, including the preliminary heat treatment, forging, solid solution treatment, stabilized material forming a complete heat treatment process are introduced. And this paper also stainless steel1Cr18Ni9Ti corrosion reason, what can I do to make it more corrosion resistance and so on have made some introduction. Stainless steel heat treatment process used in the vacuum heat treatment furnace, its structure, properties are complicated, this article also to the vacuum heat treatment furnace were introduced, with th


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