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唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计 设计题目:5000t/d新型干法水泥厂石灰石矩形预均化堆场工艺设计 系 别 : 环境与化学工程系 班 级 : 09无机非金属材料工程 1班 5000t/d新型干法水泥厂石灰石矩形预均化堆场工艺设计 摘 要 本设计是5000t/d新型干法水泥厂全厂及石灰石矩形预均化堆场的工艺设计。依据任务书中的地形图确定全厂工艺布置,绘制出全厂的工艺布置图和石灰石预均化堆场工艺布置图。本设计中,全厂生产线采用一条龙方式排布,流程顺畅,且节省输送设备;全厂工艺流程从各原料进厂到水泥出厂全都采用均化措施,这样就保证了出厂水泥质量的高效;全厂主要设备选型从原料磨到水泥磨均采用立磨,立磨粉磨效率高、磨内空间大、单位电耗低、烘干能力强;石灰石的预均化采用矩形预均化堆场,这样更有利于扩建,和圆形预均化堆场相比物料分布也更加均匀,并采用人字形堆料,使设备更加简单比较经济。 关键词:石灰石 矩形预均化堆场 均化效果 工艺设计 5000 t/d NSP Cement Limestone Rectangle Yard Prehomogenization Process Design Abstract This design is the 5000 t/d NSP cement plant and technology design of limestone rectangle in the yard. Determine the coordination process arrangement according to the specification of topographic map, map the process for the factory layout and limestone yard prehomogenization process arrangement. In this design, factory production line adopts a dragon method configuration, process flow, and save the transportation equipment; Throughout the process from the raw materials into the factory to all of cement factory using homogenizing measures, so as to ensure the quality of the cement factory efficiency; Main equipment selection from the raw material to the cement grinding plant adopt vertical mill, roller mill grinding efficiency, grinding inside the space is large, unit power consumption is low, the drying ability is strong; Limestone homogenization of adopting rectangle yard prehomogenization, so more conducive to expansion, and round yard than prehomogenization material distribution is more uniform, the herringbone stockyard, make the equipment more simple more economy. Keywords: rectangle yard; prehomogenization limestone; homogenization effect craft design 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 1 引言 h 1 2 总体设计 h 2 2.1新型干法水泥生产的简述 h 2 2.1.1 新型干法水泥的生产特点 h 2 2.1.2 新型干法水泥的生产发展 h 2 2.2参数的确定 h 3 2. 2.1 熟料率值的确定 h 3 2.2.2 熟料热耗的确定 h 4 2.3 熟料标号的确定 h 5 2.4石膏加入量、混合材加入量的确定 h 6 2.4.1石膏加入量的确定 h 6 2.4.2混合材加入量的确定 h 7 2.3物料平衡计



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