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毕 业 论 文 专 业 工商管理 题 目 A产品认证公司客户关系管理研究 A 产品认证公司客户关系管理研究 PAGE III 摘 要 进入二十一世纪以来,在全球化、快速变化、高强度竞争的市场中,产品生命周期缩短,客户转移成本减低,对于许多企业而言,从可衡量的长期价值考虑,最重要的资产是“客户忠诚度”和“一对一的客户关系”。有研究表明,在现有的市场环境中,获得一个新客户付出的代价是维系一个老客户的五倍。而美国学者Reicheld和Sasser的研究则指出顾客忠诚度提高5%,行业的平均利润率提高25%~85%。同时,根据80/20法则,一个行业80%的收益来自于20%的客户,如何能够了解客户需求,做出对客户和企业有利的价值、策略和机制,成为企业竞争的热门话题。所以建立和发展良好的客户关系已变成任何企业策略的关键组成,客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)由此应运而生。 本文认为,客户关系管理是一种先进的公司管理理念,它充分的认识到客户的价值,把客户当成是公司最重要的资源,在不断满足客户需要的同时,提高公司自身的营销能力、服务能力、管理能力、财务能力,形成公司的核心竞争力。在上述思想的指导下,本文构建了一个客户关系管理体系,该体系建立在客户关系数据库的基础之上,整合客户需求拉动型服务链和投入成本和客户价值分析两大模块,形成了一个统一的、有机的分析体系。通过在A公司实行该体系,获得较大的客户关系管理收益,体现客户关系管理的巨大作用,同时对整个产品认证行业提供借鉴作用。 关键词:客户关系管理 客户价值 需求拉动型服务链 客户满意度 Abstract For most companies, the most important factor at the beginning of 21th century, in terms of a measurable long period value, is “customer loyalty” and “one-to-one customer relationship” because of the reduction of product life cycle and customer transfer cost in this globalizes, fast changing and competitive market. According to some study, the cost for capturing a new customer quintuples that for maintaing a regular one. Two American scholar Reicheld and Sasser have pointed out in their studies that a 5% rise in consumer loyalty means 25%~85% rise of average industry rate of profit. Meanwhile, based on the law of 80/20, 80% of company pfofit comes from 20% of customer. Therefore, how to obtain the information on consumer demand and develop an advanced value, strategy and system for companies has become a hot topic related to industry competition. As a result, to develop a good customer relationship has become crucial for any company strategy. It is this demand the calls for Customer Relationship Management(CRM). The article thinks, customer relationship management is a kind of advanced enterprise management concept, it fully aware of customer value, the customer as the most important resource of the enter


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