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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II 齐齐哈尔大学毕业设计(论文) PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I 毕业设计(论文) 题 目 3万吨12度白啤酒发酵工段设计(发酵罐) 摘 要 白啤酒又称小麦啤酒,是以小麦芽为主要原料,大麦芽和少量谷类为辅料。其中小麦芽的成分大于等于40%,添加酒花经上面啤酒酵母和下面啤酒酵母发酵酿制而成的含有CO2低酒精的饮料酒。因小麦糖蛋白含量高,所以泡沫十分丰富,细腻洁白;口感醇厚、纯正、柔和协调、苦味轻;CO2含量高,杀口力强;具有悦人的麦芽香味和特殊酯香味;酒精度适中,营养丰富;通过研究和生产实践,发现用发芽完成未经干燥的绿小麦芽生产白啤酒,完全符合白啤酒特点,有很好的适口性,而且经检验各项指标均达到白啤酒的标准要求。 本设计对3万吨12°P白啤酒厂发酵工段进行生产工艺流程论证,物料衡算,热量衡算,发酵工段耗冷计算,水量衡算等等。并对并对发酵工段发酵罐的体积,外形尺寸,壁厚,附件等进行研究设计。糖化方法采用二次煮出糖化法,发酵方法采用下面发酵法。在降低能耗、减少水污染以及啤酒糟的回收与利用等方面进行研究。 关键词:白啤酒;发酵工段;发酵罐 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT III PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT III Abstract White beer called wheat beer, is a small malt as the main raw material, and a small amount of grains as supplementary material of malt. One of the small malt component is greater than or equal to 40%, the addition of hops by beer yeast and beer yeast fermentation brewed with CO2 low alcohol wine. Because the glycoprotein content of wheat is high, so the foam is very rich, delicate white; taste mellow, pure, soft coordination, bitter light; the content of CO2 is high, strong to kill mouth; a pleasant malt flavor and ester aroma; moderate alcohol levels, nutrition is rich; through research and the production practice, found without drying green small white beer malt production, with the completion of germination in full compliance with the white beer characteristics, have had good palatability, and by testing the indicators have reached the white beer standard. The production process and proof of 30000 tons of 12 ° white brewery fermentation process for the design, material balance, heat balance, the cold loss calculation of fermentation process, water balance etc.. And on the fermentation process of fermentation tank volume, size, thickness, accessories and so on design. The Double-Mash steeping saccharifying mash method, fermentation methods under low temperature fermentation method. In terms of reducing energy



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