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广州大学华软软件学院毕业论文 PAGE 本科毕业论文 课题名称:基于重心法的配送中心选址研究 ——以广州航空邮件处理中心为例             1340516142 1340516142 学 号:_____________________ 戴诗泳姓 名:_____________________ 戴诗泳 广州大学华软软件学院学 院:_____________________ 广州大学华软软件学院 物流管理(国际贸易与物流营运) 专 业:_____________________ 物流管理(国际贸易与物流营运) 周卫标老师指导教师:_____________________ 周卫标老师 2016年11月5日开题时间:_____________________ 2016年11月5日 PAGE \* MERGEFORMATII 摘要 20世纪以来,物流业呈现出蓬勃发展的态势,成为我国经济增长的重要行业。我国加入世界贸易组织意味着进入一个尚未开发的市场,贸易和外国投资增加迅速。政府和其他机构在这种情况下进行了改进,为了提升EMS快递业务的派送水平,给物流配送中心的发展带来契机,得出企业的最优选址方案,有利于企业对外发展,实现资源配置和优化服务。故物流园区选址时使用重心法,以全面提升快递业务的竞争力。本文以广州航空邮件处理中心为例,运用重心法科学合理地计算出的配送中心位置。主要考虑的因素是距离和运输量,而且其计算简单便捷,对于企业物流配送中心的选址有一定参考作用。 关键词 物流配送中心,重心法,选址,广州航空邮件处理中心  ABSTRACT Since the 20th century, the logistics industry shows a tendency of vigorous development, has become an important industry of our countrys economic growth. Chinas accession to the wto means into an untapped market, trade and foreign investment increased rapidly. Although the government and other institutions in this case was improved. In order to improve the delivery of EMS express delivery business, bring opportunities to the development of the logistics distribution center, it is concluded that the optimal location plan of the enterprise, is advantageous to the development of foreign enterprises and realize the resource allocation and optimization services. So the logistics park location when using gravity method, in order to improve the competitiveness of the express business. This paper, taking GuangHang air mail processing center as an example, using center of gravity method is scientific and reasonable to calculate the distribution center location. Distance is the main factor and volume, and its calculation is simple and convenient, for enterprise logistics distribution center location has a certain reference role. KEY WORDS Logistics distribution center; gravity method; location; Guang Hang Mail Processing center 目 录 摘要 Ⅰ ABSTRACT



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