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专科学生毕业论文 齿轮箱故障诊断的研究 系部名称: 机电工程学院 专业班级: 机电一体化Z08-2班 学生姓名: 路遥 指导教师: 马武学 职 称: 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 二○一一年六月 College student graduation thesis Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Of Research Candidate:Lu Yao Specialty : Electromechanical integration Class:Z08-2 Supervisor:Associate Prof. Ma Wuxue Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 2011-06·Harbin 黑龙江工程学院专科生毕业论文 PAGE II 摘 要 随着科学技术的不断发展,机械设备向着高性能、高效率、高自动化和高靠 性的方向发展。齿轮箱由于具有传动比固定、传动转矩大、结构紧凑等优点,是用于改变转速和传递动力的最常用的传动部件,是机械设备的一个重要组成部分,也是故障易于发生的一个部件,其运行状态对整机的工作性能有很大的影响。它的损伤和失效常常导致传动系统或整机的故障,从而导致重大安全事故。 本文首先从齿轮箱故障定义出发分别介绍了齿轮箱各个部位在出现故障时 会出现什么样的征兆和现象。 然后从齿轮的角度出发,介绍了齿轮箱中齿轮在日常工作中会出现哪些故障和发生故障时所出现的现象以及解决方法。其次从齿轮产生故障时的调制现象和边频带分布特点进行研究。找到相应的解决办法最后介绍了时域和频域以及小波分析在齿轮箱故障诊断中的应用。以及我国风力发电的发展现状和发展趋势,并对风电齿轮箱的现状进行了介绍。 [关键词]:时域、频域、风电。 ABSTRACT Along with the development of science and technology, mechanical equipment toward high performance, high efficiency, high automation and high depend Sexual direction. Gearbox due to its ratio fixed, transmission torque, compact structure etc, and is used to change speed and transmit power transmission components of the most commonly used mechanical equipment, is an important part of the fault, is prone to a component of the machine, the operation state of the working performance has very big effect. Its damage and failure often led to drive system or machines fault, resulting in serious accidents. This paper from the gearbox fault definition respectively introduces gearbox each place in malfunction Will appear what kind of warning signs and phenomena. Then from the Angle of gears, introduces the gearbox of gear in daily work will appear what faults and fault phenomena, and what happen solutions. Second gear noise fault from the modulation phenomenon and edge band distribution characteristics were studied. Find the corresponding solution and finally introduces the time domain and frequency domain and wavelet


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