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摘 要 在美国,80%的人通过贷款买车,汽车消费信贷业务的兴起不仅为许多的消费者提供了买车的可能,也大大促进了美国汽车产业的飞速发展。 我国汽车消费信贷起步于1995年,至今已经经历了15年左右的时间,在其发展的过程中,由于逐步暴露出来的风险曾一度被禁止。近年来由于汽车市场的兴起,我国汽车消费信贷业务又开始逐渐升温。汽车消费贷款业务最早出现在美国,至今已经有一百多年的历史,并且已经由汽车消费信贷逐步发展成为成熟的汽车金融体系,汽车金融公司成为汽车消费信贷及其他汽车金融服务的主要提供者。我国还处在汽车金融的初级阶段-汽车消费信贷阶段,并且大多数的汽车信贷由商业银行提供,汽车金融公司在我国才刚刚起步,由于它还未为我国民众所普遍接受,并且其业务范围目前受到较大限制,所以他还不能发挥完全的作用,在汽车消费信贷领域所占的份额也相当小。国外的汽车消费信贷及汽车金融发展已经相当成熟并且积累了丰富的经验,与它们相比,我国的汽车消费信贷还存在很多问题。 本文首先分析了我国目前汽车市场和汽车消费信贷发展的情况,并且由汽车市场的兴旺发展预测到汽车消费信贷市场发展的可能性和必然性。然后文章研究美国和日本两个汽车消费信贷业务发展比较成熟的国家,通过分析其汽车消费信贷发展状况和运作模式等方面,总结它们的丰富经验及优势。在对美、日汽车消费信贷进行系统的分析之后,文章将重点分析我国汽车消费信贷目前所存在的诸多问题,例如信用体系不完善、相关法律制度不健全、汽车金融公司发展受限制等等。明确了我国汽车消费信贷所存在的问题后,文章以美、日两国的经验为借鉴,针对我国的具体现实提出相应的对策。 关键词:汽车消费信贷,汽车金融,信用 ABSTRACT In the United States, 80% of people buy a car through loans, the rise of automobile consumer credit business not only provides many consumers the possibility of buying a car, but also greatly contributes to the rapid development of the U.S. automotive industry. Chinas automobile consumer credit started from year 1995,and has already experienced 15 years or so. In the progress of its development, due to the risk of gradually exposed, it was once banned. Since the rise of the automobile market in recent years, Chinas automobile consumer credit business began to heat up. Auto Loans first appeared in the United States, so far it has been 100 years since it appeared, and has gradually developed into a mature financial system. The auto finance company has become the most important suppliers for automotive consumer credit and other financial services. China is still in the initial stage of auto finance - automobile consumer credit period, and most of the auto loans are provided by commercial banks, while auto finance company in China has just started. Because auto finance company is not generally accepted by the people of our country, and now the range of its business have many restrictions, so it can not play a full role in the field of automobile consumer credit and


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