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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT III 摘 要 本文通过对信用证的应用及提单法律性质的概述,引申出提单质押的意义。信用证结汇方式下单证的流转不仅仅涉及买卖双方,同时也涉及到运输方即承运人以及依开证申请人申请而开立信用证的开证行,核实信用证真实性并将信用证转交给受益人的通知行,审核单证相符后,扣除利息,把货款垫付给卖方的议付行以及审核单证相符后付款的付款行等各种主体。卖方(出口商)按信用证规定装运货物并备齐各项货运单据(主要是提单),开出汇票且在信用证有效期内送请当地银行(议付行)议付,议付行按信用证条款审核单据无误后,即可按汇票全额扣除利息,把货款垫付给出口商之后,议付行将汇票和货运单据寄到开证行(或其指定的付款行)索偿,开证行(或其指定的付款行)付款给议付行并通知开证申请人(进口商)付款赎单。在这一单证流转的过程中,提单在议付行,开证行所起到的,即是质押的作用。提单质押在信用证操作中起到了重要的融资担保作用。提单质押,主要发生于进出口押汇业务中,其加强了开证行的信用授予安全,保障了押汇行的利益和信用证的流通。 本文的重点部分介绍了提单在银行等各当事人之间流转的过程及在其中所起到的质押作用,发挥的法律效力及提单质押的形式并详细阐述了信用证下银行提单质权的相关问题。 提单质押所产生的主要问题在于当前我国各个银行对于进出口押汇的做法并不统一,有的银行甚至根本没有这方面的规定。本文最后一章通过介绍我国银行对进口押汇的做法及其遇到的各种问题,阐述了银行对于进口押汇中涉及的法律问题而产生的种种困惑。通过对让与担保制度的介绍,引发对我国实践中相关问题的思考以期能为我国完善信用证项下提单质押的立法提供一些借鉴。最后是关于信用证法律制度下提单质押的立法思考和法律体系构建的一点想法。 关键词:信用证 提单 质押 ABSTRACT This thesis summarized the application of L/C and the legal nature of B/L as well as the meaning of B/L pledge. The circulation of document under L/C settlement of exchange relates to not only the business parties but also the carrier; the issuing bank who issues L/C basing on the applicant’s application; the informing bank who verifies the L/C and delivers it to the beneficiary; the negotiating bank who checks the B/L and the L/C then deducts the interest and pays for the seller, and the paying bank pays for the seller after verifying the L/C and the B/L, etc. The selling party (the international trade exporter) loads cargo and prepares various shipping documents (mainly B/L) according to the L/C request; issues a bank draft and sends it to a local bank (the negotiating bank) for negotiation. The negotiating bank pays for the sellers after verifying the documents and deducting the interest according to the bank draft. Then the negotiating bank mails the bank draft and the documents to the issuing bank (or the appointed paying bank) for payment. The issuing bank (or the appointed paying bank) pays for the negotiating bank and informs the applicant (the international trade importer) to pay for the docum


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