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1 100m3 摘 要:制皂生产废水也称为皂化废水,主要来源于原料预处理、粗油脂的提取和精制、制皂等过程,即清洗、破乳、碱炼、盐析、碱析等工序。废水中的主要有机污染物为油脂、甘油等,它们以浮油、乳化油、分散油和溶解油等状态存在,因而造成废水含油量高,具有较高的COD、BOD、SS等。本设计中采用隔油-气浮-两级接触氧化法处理制皂废水。废水首先在隔油池中去除大部分的浮油,然后进入混凝气浮池,通过向其中投加破乳剂、混凝剂等使乳化油破乳并混凝,再通过加压溶气气浮将混凝絮体及其它剩余的部分杂质去除。出水随后进入两级接触氧化池进行进一步的处理。通过该工艺处理后,出水达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)二级排放标准。本设计中对100m3 /d制皂生产废水处理工艺中的各构筑物进行了设计计算,并根据所得参数进行了设备选型,最后 关键词: 制皂生产废水;隔油池; 气浮;生物接触氧化 Process Design of Treating 100 m3/d Soap Abstract:The wastewater of soap production is known as saponification wastewater. Saponification wastewater mainly come from the raw materials pre-treatment, crude oils extracting and refining, saponification, etc, that is cleaning, demulsification, alkali refining, salting-out, alkali analysis, etc. the main organic pollutants in the wastewater are oil, glycerol and so on, which present in the state of slick oil, emulsified oil, dissolved oil and dispersed oil in the wastewater, resulting in a high oil content of wastewater with high COD, BOD, SS and so on. The combanetion treatment process of Grease trap- flotation - Contact oxidation is adopted in this paper. First of all, wastewater in the grease trap to remove most of the oil slick, and then enter the flotation tank, where demulsified dosage, coagulant are added to emulsifie oil for coagulation, and wastewater enter flotation tank, the flotation furi and other redusial impurities can be removed. Then wastewater enters the two-step contact oxidation pond for further treatment. The effluent could meet the requreied II-level of Integrated waster water discharge stand (GB8978-1996).In this paper the process for treating 100m3/d saponification wastewater has been designed, each structures of this process are designed and operating parameters are calculated. And the relating equipment is choose based on the calculated result. Keywords:Soap Wastewater; Grease trap; Flotation ttank ; Contact Oxidation; PAGE I PAGE I 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z 1 绪论 h 1 1.1 设计的背景及目的 h 1 1.2 制


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