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ee PAGE C25连续摩擦焊机主轴传动系统设计及仿真分析 [摘要]连续摩擦焊接技术做为一种具有环保、节能、省材、高效的新型焊接技术,经过多年的研究与发展,在航天工业、汽车、工程机械、核电设备等许多工业方面得到广泛应用,连续驱动摩擦焊接已经成为一种无可替代的加工方法。本文介绍了连续摩擦焊接的原理、发展历史以及详细说明了连续摩擦焊的主轴组件设计的过程。 随着人们对改善和提高生活质量的不断追求,与焊接加工技术相关的产品质量也必须不断的改善和提高,因此相应的焊接方法也需要不断的完善和改进。经过几十年的发展,摩擦焊技术在国内目前已经具备了包括工艺、设备、控制、检验等整套完备的专业技术规模,并且在基础理论研究上也形成了一定的独立体系。石油、煤炭、地质钻探行业的石油钻杆、推油杆、地址钻杆、地址取芯钻具等。 [关键词]连续摩擦焊机;主轴传动系统 C25 Continuous friction welding machine drive system design [Abstract] Continuous friction welding technique as a kind of environmental protection, energy saving, material saving, high efficiency of the new welding technology, after years of research and development, in the aerospace industry, automobile, engineering machinery, nuclear power equipment and many other widely used in industry, the continuous drive friction welding has become an irreplaceable processing method. This paper introduces the principle of continuous friction welding, the development history and details the continuous friction welding process of spindle component design. As people the pursuit of better improve and enhance the quality of life, related to welding processing technology also must constantly improve and enhance product quality, so the corresponding welding method is also need to constantly improve and improve. After decades of development, the friction welding technology in domestic at present already have such as technology, equipment, control and inspection of a complete set of perfect professional technical scale, and on the basic theory research also formed a certain system independently. Oil, coal, geological drilling industry petroleum drill pipe, push rod, address drill pipe, coring drilling tools, etc. [Key words] Continuous friction welding machine; The spindle drive system 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 引 言 h 1 第一章 连续摩擦焊简介 h 2 1.1连续驱动摩擦焊原理 h 2 1.2焊接过程 h 3 1.3摩擦焊研究现状及发展趋势 h 3 1.3.1研究现状: h 3 1.3.2发展趋势: h 3 1.4摩擦焊的应用领域 h 4 第二章 设计准备 h 5 2.1选题的目的与意义 h 5 2.1.1选题的目的 h 5 2.1


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