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西安石油大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE 116 建筑施工的事故分析与对策探讨 摘要:建筑业是国民经济的重要物质生产部门,它与整个国家经济的发展、人民生活的改善有着密切的关系。中国正处于从低收入国家向中等收入国家发展的过渡阶段,建筑业的增长速度很快,对国民经济增长的贡献也很大。目前,我国建筑安全生产管理水平不高,建筑企业中依然普遍存在着安全管理水平低,安全事故发生比较频繁的问题,不仅造成了巨大的损失,而且影响到高素质人才投身建筑业的积极性。本文通过对建筑企业安全生产现状、建筑事故的五大伤害类型及建筑施工伤亡事故的综合分析,总结出要想搞好建筑施工企业的安全生产工作;首先,综合分析掌握事故的类型及特点;其次,针对当前建设工程施工项目安全生产现状及存在的问题,从加强和落实建设工程施工项目参与各方的责任,提高政府监管力度等方面提出了相应的对策措施。再次,建立完善的建筑安全管理体系,重点建立对高处坠落、物体打击、触电、机具伤害、坍塌这六大类事故的预防措施体系,达到控制建筑施工安全事故的成果。 关键词:建筑施工;事故分析;预防措施 Construction Accident Analysis and Countermeasures Abstract:Construction industry is an important material production sectors of national economy,It is with the entire national economic development, improving peoples lives are closely related. China is being in from the low-income country to the medium-income national development transitional stage, the construction industry growth fast, it to the growth of the national economy is also a great. At present, management level of production safety is not high in China construction industry, and safety accidents occurring frequently, which not only causes enormous losses, but also influences the enthusiasm of high-quality talent to join in construction industry. Based on the safety status of construction enterprises, construction accident injury type and the five comprehensive analyses of construction fatalities. Summed up in order to improve construction safety in production enterprises, Firstly, the cause and characteristic should be systematically analyzed. Secondly, in the view of the current situation and existing problems of the safety of construction project some measures were put forward, involving strengthening and implementing the responsibilities of all participant parts, improving government supervision and so on. Thirdly, the construction safety management system should be established and improved, focusing on establishing precautionary measures system of high fall, object strikes, electric shock, equipment damage and the collapse, to conce


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