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PAGE PAGE 31 摘要 数控铣床是在普通铣床上集成了数字控制系统,可以在程序代码的控制下较精确地进行铣削加工的机床。数控铣床一般由数控系统、主传动系统、进给伺服系统、冷却润滑系统等几大部分组成。数控铣床是目前功能强大、简便、高效的加工机床,只需输入加工程序便可自动加工的自动化程度很高的数控加工中心之一。 MasterCAM软件是美国的CNCSoftware公司开发的基于PC平台的CAD/CAM系统,现已广泛应用于机械加工、模具制造、汽车工业和航天工业等领域。采用MasterCAM软件能方便的建立零件的几何模型,迅速自动生成数控代码,缩短编程人员的编程时间,特别对复杂零件的数控程序编制,可大大提高程序的正确性和安全性,降低生产成本,提高工作效率。 烟灰缸是日常用途广泛的环保工具,为了彰显烟灰缸的个性化和功能性,因此希望利用现有知识和能力,制造一个外观美丽并且实用的烟灰缸。为此,用PROE做出烟灰缸零件图,将其导入MasterCAM软件中进行模拟仿真加工,利用MasterCAM自动编程功能,导出烟灰缸数控加工程序,并在FANUC仿真软件中仿真模拟加工,最后将导出的数控加工程序输入数控铣床中,加工出我们需要的烟灰缸凸模实体模型。 关键词:数控铣床,MasterCAM,烟灰缸,仿真,加工 Abstract CNC milling machine is in the common milling machine with integrated digital control system in the program code, can control accurately for milling machine. CNC milling machine by the general NC system, main transmission system, feed servo system, cooling and lubrication system of several major components. CNC milling machine is the most powerful, simple, efficient processing machine, only need to input the processing program can automatically processing, high degree of automation of CNC machining centers. MasterCAM software is belong to the United States of America CNCSoftware company,which developed the PC platform based on CAD / CAM system,now it has been widely used in machining, mold manufacturing, automobile industry and the aerospace industry and other fields。Using MasterCAM software to facilitate the establishment of parts of the geometric model, rapid automatic generation of NC code, shorten programmers programming time, especially for complex parts of the NC programming, and can greatly improve the accuracy of the program and the security, reduces the production cost, improve work efficiency. Ashtray is one of the most daily useful environmental protection tools, in order to reveal ashtray personalized and functional, so I decide to make full use of what I have leraned and my ability to create a beautiful ap


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