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PAGE 本科毕业论文 本科毕业论文 ( 题 题 目:5S在中宇科技有限公司的应用 内蒙古工业大学本科毕业论文 摘 要 5S管理方法在20世纪50年代就风靡日本。而我国的许多企业也是在推行5S以后,企业面貌得到了很大的改变,取得了很好的效果。5S活动是指对生产现场的各种生产要素(主要是物的要素)所处状态,不断的进行整理、整顿、清扫、清洁,从而提高素养(人的要素)的活动。 中宇科技有限公司是一家专业从事企事业及政府信息化建设服务及解决方案的计算机咨询服务公司,是一家以光纤数据传输和网络通讯产品为销售主体的高科技企业。本文首先对5S理论、5S的功能作了细致的描述与分析;而后对中宇科技有限公司的机构设置、人员分配、主营业务,以及中宇公司的现场管理现状作了说明和分析;最后根据中宇公司的情况,对其5S的实施进行了详尽的描述。将中宇科技有限公司5S的实施,分为组织、规划、宣传、执行、监督、考核几个步骤。其中在执行中,将该中宇公司5S的实施过程细分到整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养,对中宇公司各部门以及各员工在5S实施过程中的职责进行了详细的划分。并为此制定了5S检查表、5S规范、《5S基础测试题》、《员工守则》、《办公现场5S点检表》、《施工现场5S点检表》等辅助5S的实施。 关键词:5S规范 5S活动 清 洁 素养 5S推行委员会 Abstract The method of 5S become fashionalbe in Japan in 20 century 50 decade. And a lot of enterprises of our country also is in carry out 5S after, enterprise appearance has gotten great change, has gotten very good effect. The campaign of 5S denotes, is for the various factor of productions of production scene (the essential factor of thing mainly) located state, unceasing arrange and rectify, settle to sweep, cleaning, so, raise the campaign of attainment ( the essential factor of person ). ZhongYu Science Technologies Co., Ltd is a professional computer reference service company that is engage in enterprise or business and government informative construction service and solving schema , is a with the data transmission and network communication product of optical cable is the high-tech enterprise that sells main part. This paper is for theory of 5S, the function of 5S and have made careful describe and analysis; Then describe the main business, people distribution and the organization installation of the limited company ZhongYu Science Technologies Co., Ltd, as well as the present management situation of company have made explanation and analysis; In final basis the condition of company, for it the enforcement of 5S have gone on detailed describe


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