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西南科技大学本科生毕业论文 PAGE PAGE IV 西南科技大学本科生毕业论文 厚德、载物、博学、笃行 毕业设计(论文) 题 目:10kv供电装置监控电气系统设计 英文题目:The design of 10KV power supply device monitoring 摘 要 供电系统分为五个环节,发电、变电、输电、配电和用电。每个环节都是环环相扣,时时平衡,缺一不可,又几乎同时完成,电力系统中任何一处发生事故,都有可能对电力系统产生重大影响。为了解决供电系统能否安全、稳定、可靠地运行,有必要对供电监控系统进行研究。本文主要设备WGJS-800工厂供电教学设备模拟10kv供电系统和35kv供电系统,通过WXH-820微机线路保护测控装置、WBT-821微机备自投装置、WDH-823微机电动机保护测控装置对该模拟供电系统进行监控保护进行研究、实验得出供电监控系统主要措施、方法。最后通过对该设备的相关资料说明对该设备系统电气原理图进行了相应补充说明,更便于后学者能够快速的了解、掌握供电监控系统原理。 关键字:WGJS-800;供电监控系统;线路保护;备自投;电动机保护 ABSTRACT The Power supply system can be divide into five parts,include generate electricity、power transformation、transmit electricity、power distribution and electro-。All linked with one another、keep balance all times、indispensable,Power system fault occurred in any one place,may impact on power system.In order to solve the problem of security 、steady、dependable. Its necessary to study power monitoring system.This article main equipment WGJS-800 Factory power supply teaching equipment analog Consumers 10kv power supply device and consumers 35kv power supply device.Through WXH-822 Computer line protection device、Wbt-821 spare power automatic switching、WDH-823Motor protecting research to the analog power supply system,can draw some method and conclusion about t the Power monitoring system.At last through some material of this equipment make the schematic diagram more perfect,Convenient the later to learn it more quickly Key words:WGJS-800,power monitoring system;,Line protection, Line protection,motor protect 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘 要 h I 关键字:WGJS-800;供电监控系统;线路保护;备自投;电动机保护 h I ABSTRACT h II 1.绪论 h 1



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