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PING(hurrying across to the centre door):Feng!(opening the door)Come in! (Sifeng comes in ,her face wet whit tears and rain,and her tangled纠缠的,dripping hair hanging in her eyes.She starts at Zhou Ping as if in a trance恍惚.) FENG:Ping!---(Tinmidly)Anyone about? PING(perturbed):No ,it’s all right.(He grasps her hands) FENG:Oh,Ping!(She flings her arms round him and sobs convulsively) PING:How—how did you get into such a stste?How did you know I was here?(Babbling with relief.)How did you get in? FENG:I slipped in through the back way. PING:Your hands are like ice.you’d better hurry up and get those wet things off. FENG:No—(with a sob)let me have a look at you first. PING(taking her over to a sofa and sitting her down beside him):But –but where have you been? FENG(looking at Zhou Ping with here eyes fuul of tears):Here you areat last,Ping.It seems ages since I last saw you. PING:My poor darling,how can you be so silly?But where have you been ,my silly sister? FENG:I just ran on and on in the rain untill I didn’t where I was.The noise of thunder seemed to driced everything out of in my mind.I thought I heard Mother calling after me,but I was afraid,and I ran as fast as I could. I was looking for the river out in front of our place.I was going to throw myself in. PING(aghast):FENG! FENG--:But somehow I couldn’t find it,though I went round and round in circles looking for it. PING:Oh,FENG,it’s all my fault.Please forgive me.Don’t hold it against me. FENG:Somehow I stumbled here in a daze.Suddenly I saw there was a lirht in your window and I relized you were in .ALL of a sudden I felt that I couldn’t just die:I couldn’t bear to be part from you.I think we can still go away—only we must go away together. PING(solemnly):Yes,we must go away together. FENG(earnestly):It’s the only way out,PING. I ‘ve got nothing now—no family ,no friends. I’ve got only you ,PING.Take me away with you tomorrow.(A pause) PING(after a pause):No ,no. FENG(in despair):PING! PING:We must go right now


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