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XX理工大学本科毕业设计·论文 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT III 学 号:30 题目类型: 设计 理工大学 GUILIN 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 超声波测距系统 摘要 在日常中,很多场合应用到超声波,如汽车倒车检测距离、机器人避开障碍物、工业测量井的距离、水库液位测量等需要自动检测,在基于传统的测量距离必须要碰触到物体这个不便之处。比如,距离液面高度测量,以前都是使用采用差位分布电极,通电来检测液面,但是检测器长期放在液体介质里面,容易收到破坏,无法保持良好性能,要进行非接触性的测距,因此想到运用超声波。它是指频率大于20 kHz的在介质中产生的机械振荡的波,它具有消耗能量缓慢、指向性集中强度大、能传播距离相对较远等特点,因此常被用于非接触性测量距离。由于超声波对光线、色彩和电磁场不敏感,因此超声波测距对环境有较好的适应能力,此外超声波测量在实时、精度、价格也能得到很好的折衷。结合现在最常使用的微型单片机,使得超声波测距系统更加智能自动化。微型单片机就像人的大脑一样,使得电子产品有思考判断执行能力,灵活有灵魂的智能系统。微型单片机构成的系统动作快,它作为系统的大脑核心,不用改变它的电路,修改命令它的语言就可以增加不同的功能。目前,大多数的电类产品都已经使用微型单片机做主控电路,在各个行业中广泛的发展运用。 关键词:单片机;超声波;温度补偿 Ultrasonic Ranging System Student:PENG Jing-li Teacher:MA Wen-ming Abstract:On a daily basis, Ultrasonic can be applied in many situations, such as car reversing distance detection, robots avoids obstacles, measurement of the distance of industrial wells, reservoir level measurement etc.These all need to be detected automatically.The distance measurements based on the traditional methods require touching the objects. For example, the measurement of liquid level height usually use the differential positions of distributed electrodes which are electrified to detect the liquid level. But the detectors can be easily damaged because of being placed in a liquid medium for a certain period of time,so it can not maintain a good performance in the expected life time. Therefore, Ultrasonic can be a excellent choice to conduct non-contact distance measurement. The Ultrasonic refers to the voice wave with frequencies which are greater than 20 kHz in the medium that can transit the mechanical oscillation waves.Ultrasonic has characteristics such like slow energy consuming , directional concentration strength and can spread a relatively long distance. This is why it is often used for non-contact distance measurement . Because Ultrasonic is not sensitive to lights, colors and electromagnetic fields, so the ultrasonic can adapt to various environm



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