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陕西理工学院毕业设计 操作系统网上实验系统设计与实现 [摘要]教育事业是人类社会高度发展的产物,是世世代代文明积累的结晶,也是世世代代相传下去的社会载体。传统教育的方式是以讲解理论知识为主,对特定的历史文化的高度解析,对于那些知识技能单一的文化来说,这种教育或许是人们比较容易接受的一种方式。然而,在现代高度发展的社会中,文化的多元化和学科的互相交叉的特性,特别是要求实践活动的科学学科,传统的教育模式已经不能满足现代教学的需求,也很难被学生所接受,所以这就需要寻找一种新的教学方法。在现在的教学实践中,网络教学越来越受到师生的青睐,并且在不断的实践中,已经证实网络教育是补充传统教育不足的一种有效的方法。操作系统网上实验系统是以操作系统课程为实验对象设计和实现的网上实验系统,它属于网络教学的一部分,为了补充课堂教学中学生不能及时得到充足的实验材料进行实验验证自己的知识水平和自我查缺补漏,老师不能及时掌握学生对知识的掌握的熟练程度和对知识的应用能力从而对不同学生进行不同的程度和方式的教学提供可靠的依据等不足问题,同时也是适应潮流的发展,为教学中实验课的环节提供一种简单的,方便的,高效的工具。操作系统网上实验系统的的成功研发不仅只是应用在操作系统课程实验教学中,也能应用在其他各科学科的实验课程上,他的不断完善和成功部署,或许会是网络教学的又一大补充和发展,推动教育事业前进的步伐。 [关键字] 教育事业; 传统教育; 网络教学; 操作系统网上实验系统;工具 Operating Systems Design and Implementation of experimental system online Name: Liu Wen Pan (Grade09,Class2,Major Network Engineering,Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science Dept,Shanxi University of Technology,hanzhong 723001,Shanxi) Tutor: Wang Peng [Abstract]: Education is the product of highly developed human society, the accumulation of crystals generations of civilization , but also the social carriers pass down from generation to generation . Traditional educational approach is to explain the theory of knowledge based on the height of a particular historical and cultural analysis , for those single cultural knowledge and skills , this education is perhaps one of the more easily accepted in a way. However, in modern highly developed societies, cultural diversity and cross-cutting disciplines characteristics, in particular scientific discipline requires practice , the traditional mode of education can not meet the needs of modern teaching , and it is difficult to be accepted by the student , so this needs to find a new teaching methods. In the current teaching practice, more and more online teaching are favored by students of all ages and teachers, and in the constant practice , it has been confirmed that online education is an effective approach to supplement the shortage of traditional education. Experimental system is based on t


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