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通辽地区蒙古族胆红素、血脂、血尿酸与冠心病相关性研究 吴哲 宝云龙(通讯作者)杜建军 李军 洪英 (通辽市医院心内一科 内蒙古通辽028000) 【摘要】目的 研究通辽地区蒙古族患者血胆?红素、尿酸、血脂与冠心病发 病及病变程度关系。方法入选患者均行冠状动脉造影检查,根据冠状动脉造影。 结果 分为对照组(41组)、冠心病组(159例),冠心病组分为单支病变组、双 支病变组、多支病变组。检测各组血胆红素、尿酸、血脂,进行对比分析。结论 冠心病组胆红素各项指标与对照组相比差异显著(Plt;0.05);冠心病组胆固醇、 低密度脂蛋白与对照组相比差异显著(Plt;0.05);血尿酸、高密度脂蛋白、甘 油三酯在两组间差异不显著。结论通辽地区蒙古族患者胆红素降低、胆固醇、 低密度脂蛋白升高与冠心病发病密切相关。 【关键词】蒙古族冠心病胆红素尿酸血脂冠状动脉造影 【中图分类号】R541 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1672-5085 (2014) 14-0007-02 The Correlation between Bilirubin,Lipids,Uric Acid Levels and Coronary Heart Disease of Mongolian in TongLiao area WU Zhe,BAO Yun-long,DU Jian-jun,LI Jun,HONG Ying (The Cardiology Departme nt of Tong Liao City Hospital Inn er Mon golia Tong Liao City 028000) [Abstract ]Objective:To investigate the relationship between Bilirubin,Lipids,Uric Acid Levels and Coronary Heart Disease of Mongolian in TongLiao area.Methods:According to results of cor on ary angiography,atotal of 159 patie nts with cor on ary disese were enrolled as CHD group,a nd ano ther 41 non-CHD subjects were regard as control group.CHD group was further divided into single-vessel cor on ary disease group,double-vessel cor on ary disease group and three-vessel cor on ary disease group.Levels of Bilirubin,Lipids,Uric Acid were measured in all groups.Results:Compared with control group,there was significant decrease in levels of total bilirubi n, direct bilirubi n and in direct bilirubi n. Compared with con trol group,there was sign ifica nt in crease in levels of total cholesterol and low den sity lipoprotein-cholesterol.There was no significant differenee in Serum uric acid, high density lipoprotein and triglycerides in all groups.Conclusion:Decreased level of serum bilirubi n and in creased level of total cholesterol and low den sity lipoprotei n-cholesterol are Closely associated with cor on ary heart disease in Mongolian of TongLiao area. 【Key words] Mongolian Coronary Heart Disease Bilirubin Uric Acid Lipids cor on ary arteri on graphy 冠心病是严重危害人类身体健康的疾病,发病率较高。由于通辽地区拥有全 区最多



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