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Release 10.0 Documentation for ANSYS
LINK8 Element Description
LINK8 is a spar which may be used in a variety of engineering applications. This element can be used to model trusses, sagging cables, links, springs, etc. The 3-D spar element is a uniaxial tension-compression element with three degrees of freedom at each node: translations in the nodal x, y, and z directions. As in a pin-jointed structure, no bending of the element is considered. Plasticity, creep, swelling, stress stiffening, and large deflection capabilities are included. See \o 14.8. LINK8 - 3-D Spar (or Truss) LINK8 in the \o ANSYS, Inc. Theory Reference ANSYS, Inc. Theory Reference for more details about this element. See \o LINK10 description LINK10 for a tension-only/compression-only element.
LINK8是一种能应用于多种工程实际的杆单元。单元能被应用于桁架,垂缆,杆件,弹簧等。 这个三维的杆单元只能承受单轴的拉压,单元每个节点上有三个自由度:x,y,和z方向的位移。 在销钉式结构中单元不允许有弯曲。塑性,蠕变,膨胀,应力刚化,大变形都是允许的。在 ANSYS Theory Reference 的14.8中有关于此单元更详细的介绍。 关于只能承受拉与压的描述可以参考单元LINK10 。
Figure?8.1??LINK8 Geometry
LINK8 Input Data
The geometry, node locations, and the coordinate system for this element are shown in \l af1c5lmm \o Figure?8.1??LINK8 Geometry Figure 8.1: LINK8 Geometry. The element is defined by two nodes, the cross-sectional area, an initial strain, and the material properties. The element x-axis is oriented along the length of the element from node I toward node J. The initial strain in the element (ISTRN) is given by?Δ/L, where?Δ is the difference between the element length, L, (as defined by the I and J node locations) and the zero strain length.
几何形状,节点位置,单元坐标系均由以上 \l af1c5lmm \o Figure?8.1??LINK8 Geometry Figure 8.1: LINK8 Geometry所示。单元由两个节点,截面积,初始应力,材料属性定义。单元的长度上的正方向(x-axis)是从节点I到节点J。 单元的初始应力(ISTRN) 由Δ/L求得, Δ是长度变化量, L是不受载时的长度(不变形时的)。
Element loads are described in \o 2.8. Node and Element Loads Node and Element Loads. Temperatures and fluences may be input as element body loads at the nodes. The node I temperature T(I) defaults to TUNIF.