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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT13 大学生科研创新项目研究报告 项目名称: 首都经济贸易大学周边交通拥堵问题的分析及对策 项目类型: 重点项目 项目年度: 2013-2014 项目负责人: 张丽红(学号:32011020205) 负责人院(系): 工商管理 专业(方向): 工商管理 项目组成员: 黄玥、马莉、徐子尧、朱星玉 指导教师: 兰纪平 摘要 交通是城市的动脉系统,交通的畅通与否直接关系着城市的可持续发展及人民的生活品质。目前我国许多城市,尤其是大城市,交通拥堵问题已成为制约城市发展的一项顽疾。有越来越多的家庭购买了私家车,而随之而来的便是交通拥堵这个关系到城市发展的大问题。目前在我国许多大城市中,交通拥堵问题严重制约了该城市的发展。从经济学角度来讲,交通拥堵治理实质上是一种以减少公共劣品为目的的公共益品。因此,政府行为选择作为改善交通拥堵问题的最关键因素,其有效性和实效性就显得格外重要。 在这个大背景下,我们将研究着重点落于首都经济贸易大学周边路段。首都经济贸易大学坐落于丰台区花乡区域,该区域发展速度相较于北京其他区域相对落后,我校周边地区的交通拥堵问题引起了我们的关注,本文中将从首都经济贸易大学-东门、首都经济贸易大学路段、花乡桥下三个路段分别分析交通拥堵问题,并提出改善措施。 交通拥堵问题的治理并非一朝一夕之功即可解决,需要政府的大力整治与支持,同时也需要首经贸周边居民的配合,共同改善首经贸周边的交通状况、提高人们的生活质量。 关键词:首都经济贸易大学;交通拥堵;改善措施 Abstract With the rapid development of modern social economy, peoples living standards are rising, more and more families buy private cars, and the result is that traffic congestion has some relationship to the big problem of urban development. In many big cities in our country at present, traffic congestion problems seriously restrict the development of the city. From an economic perspective, traffic congestion management is essentially a kind of public goods of inferior quality to reduce the public for the purpose of profit. Therefore, the government behavior choice is the most key factor to improve traffic congestion and its validity and effectiveness are especially important. In this context, our studies focus on surrounding roads, Capital University of economics and business. Located in fengtai district by huaxiang, capital university of economics and business areas, the regional development speed compared to other area is relatively backward in Beijing, our school area traffic congestion problem aroused our attention, this article from the capital university of economics and trade - the east gate, the first trade - Tesco road, three sections respectively by huaxiang bridge analysis traffic congestion problems, and puts forward the countermeasures. The problem of traffic congestion cannot be solved at o


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