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PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 17 河南科技学院 2016届本科毕业生论文(设计) 论文题目:淘宝与京东物流策略的比较 学生姓名: 何源喜 所在院系: 经济与管理学院 所学专业: 会计学 导师姓名: 贾兴洪(副教授) 完成时间: 2016年5月10日 摘要 电子商务是指在 互联网(Internet)、企业内部网(Intranet)和 增值网( VAN,Value Added Network)上以电子交易方式进行交易活动和相关服务的活动,是 传统商业活动各环节的电子化、 网络化。随着社会的进步、时代的变迁,人们追求便捷生活的需要更为迫切,电子商务应运而生。在相互竞争与创新的过程中,产生了许多类似的公司,其中淘宝和京东尤为突出。本文简单的介绍了电子商务的概念及运作模式,对我国现阶段电子商务发展的基本情况给出了简要表述,着重介绍了电子商务的两大巨头淘宝和京东,对淘宝的推荐物流模式的优缺点详细分析,同样介绍了京东自建物流配送体系与第三方物流公司合作的优缺点,说明了影响中国电商发展的很多因素。本文也针对淘宝与京东各自的缺陷提出了些许改善条件,并提出了解决其问题所在的相应手段。 关键词:电子商务;物流;配送;淘宝;京东 Abstract E-commerce refers to the Internet (Internet), intranet (Intranet) and value-added network (VAN, Value Added Network) in electronic trading on trading activities and activities related to services, is the traditional e-commerce activities of all sectors, network. With the change of social progress, the times, the quest more urgent need for convenient life, e-commerce came into being. In the process of competition and innovation, resulting in a number of similar companies, Taobao and Jingdong particularly prominent. This paper briefly introduces the concept of e-commerce and the mode of operation, the basic situation of Chinas e-commerce development stage gives a brief presentation, he highlighted two e-commerce giant Taobao and Jingdong, Taobao excellent logistics models recommended a detailed analysis of shortcomings, also introduces the advantages and disadvantages of self Jingdong logistics and distribution system with third-party logistics companies, illustrating the many factors affecting the development of Chinas electricity supplier. This article also for Taobao and Jingdong their shortcomings raised a little to improve conditions, and proposed to solve the problem of their respective instruments. Keywords:Electroniccommerce;Logistics;Distributio;Taobao;Jingdong 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘要 h 2 Abstract h 3 引言 h 5 一、淘宝网物流配送模式 h 6 (一)淘宝网物流配送模式具体阐述 h 6 (二)淘


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