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毕业设计 煤矿流体机械选型及设计-BD-11No26LP型对旋风机减振设计 摘 要 本设计是基于煤矿流体机械选型及设计,完成煤矿主排水设备选型设计,通风机选型设计和4-72No.20B离心风机减振设计三大任务。旨在提高设备利用效率,降低风机振动,实现最大经济效益。 本文根据安全和工作能力的要求,选取相应的水泵,离心风机以及相对应的电动机。并且根据煤矿需要,计算年耗电量,进行基本的生产成本核算。减振设计通过对隔振原理设计计算,设计选择合适的隔振器,通过减振台架的安装可以有效降低风机振动85%,使机器寿命得到保证。 本文对4-72型离心式通风机的减振进行了计算,设计选用了合理的减振台架,并进行了相应的校核,达到设计要求。使机器振动得到明显降低,对机器寿命、人们的生活和厂家的经济效益都有很高的提升。 关键字:水泵;BD-11No.26LP对旋风机;减振 Abstract This design is base on the coal mine fluid machinery chooses type and design,to complet three main task :coal-master catchment equipment chosen design, ventilator bloser chosen design and 4-72No.20B centrifugal fan vibration rdduction design. The last purpose is to improve the facility efficiency,reduce centrifugal fan vibration ,so we can carry out the biggest economic benefit. In this papper,according to the requst of the safty and the working ability ,we choose the corresponding water pump ,centrifugal fan and the necessary electromotor.What’s more,based on the requst of the coal-mine,calculate the whole year of electricity consumption ,and finish the basic production cost accounting.Accodding to vibration isolation principle,in the vibration reduction design,we can chose the suit vibration isolator. Through using vibration isolator, we can reduce centrifugal fan vibration ratio to 85 percent and guarantee the mashionary life. In this paper, 4-72 No.20B centrifugal fan vibration isolation is calculated.The suit vibration isolator is designed and have been chosen. The same time ,we carry out the corrysponding check ,to meet the design requirement. These measures asure mashion reduction dictently,which are great for machion lifespan,people life and economic benefits. Keywords:water pump; centrifugal fan; isolation 目录 摘要……………………………………………………………………I Abstrct………………………………………………………………II 1 绪论.................................................1 1.1本课题国内外发展研究现状 1.1.1国内外水泵行业发展现状概述 1.1.2国内外风机行业发展现状概述 1.2风机减振技术研究及发展概论 1.2.1风机产生振动原因分析 1.2.2风机减振技术的发展方向 1.3本课题研究的目的和意



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