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结论 毕 业 设 计 本田K24A4发动机MCLA变速器试验系统设计 Design on Honda K24A4 Engine and MCLA Transmission Experiment System 摘 要 七代雅阁做为本田的新一代产品拥有多项新技术, 其发动机在原来VTEC基础上增加了VTC,即现在的i-VTEC。而自动变速器也升级为5速的MCLA,它继承了前一代变速器的高效性、紧凑性和可靠性等优点。以此为基础,设计研究可用于实训教学的发动机和变速器实验台对于学习汽车专业的学生来说是十分有益的。教师在利用此实验台进行授课时,学生更容易理解,记忆也更深刻,学习效率将大幅提高。 论文对本田K24A4发动机和MCLA自动变速器的结构组成进行了讲解,对其工作原理进行了深入的分析,最主要的是在掌握其原理的基础上对实验台进行设计研究。设计研究包括实验台的组成、检测电路图、实验台面板控制功能、故障设置说明、电控系统常见故障诊断与排除、电控系统自诊断和故障代码。在整个设计研究过程中都进行了全面的总结和详细的说明,并且在最后强调对实验台的维护及使用注意事项,以便于应用者对实验台更正确、更方便的使用。 关键词:试验台;设计研究;故障代码;K24A4;MCLA ABSTRACT The seventh-generation Accord, as a new production of HONDA, has many new technologies, Its engine on the basis of VTEC increase the VTC, is the i-VTEC now. Automatic transmission of new Accord also upgrades to the five-speed MCLA, it inherits the former generation of efficiency、compaction and reliability. Taking this as foundation to design and research Accord engine and automatic transmission experiment table would be useful to automobile specialized students r. When teacher use this experiment table in teaching, students comprehend more easily, remember much deeper and the study efficiency will be significantly improved. The thesis explains the mechanical structure of HONDA K24A4 engine and MCLA automatic transmission and analyses working principle in detail. It is the main contents that to design and research experiment table is based on grasping its principle. The total design and research include the composition of the experiment table, measure circuit chart, control function of front-panel, the design of malfunction and the specification, the common malfunction of automatic electronic control system and unblock, automatic electronic control system from diagnosis and malfunction code. The overall design and research process is explained and summarized. At the end it emphasizes on the maintenance of the experiment table and attentive matters of use, so that people can use it more correctly, more conveniently. Key Words:experi



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