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PAGE PAGE III 本科毕业论文,电子体温计的研制 大学本科毕业论文 电子体温计的研制 摘 要 在现代化的工业生产中,温度是常用的测量及被控参数。随着时代的进步和发展,单片机技术已经普及到我们生活、工作、科研各个领域,已经成为一种有力的工具,本文介绍一种基于单片机控制的数字温度计。它克服了传统的水银温度计测温速度慢、环境污染严重、携带不方便等缺点。介绍了系统的硬件和软件设计,利用半导体热敏电阻物理参数(如电阻、电压、电流等)与环境温度之间存在的确定关系,将体温以数字的形式显示出来,读数清晰又安全。采用ATmega16单片机来对温度进行测量,不仅控制方便、组态简单灵活,还能够减小仪表的体积。本论文将介绍电子体温计的基本概念,基于ATmega16单片机的电子温度计的设计过程,分析NTC热敏电阻和LM35作为测温传感器的非线性纠正方法,介绍液晶显示屏的驱动程序。 关键词:电子体温计,热敏电阻,ATmega16单片机,液晶屏 ABSTRACT In modern industrial production, the temperature is measured and charged with common parameters. As the times progress and development, single chip technology so pervasive in our lives, work, research in various fields, has become a powerful tool, this paper introduces a microcomputer-based control of the digital thermometer. It overcomes the traditional mercury thermometer temperature is slow, serious environmental pollution, bring inconvenience shortcomings. Describes the hardware and software design, using semiconductor thermistor physical parameters (such as the resistance, voltage, current, etc.) and the environment determine the relationship that exists between the temperature, the temperature displayed in digital form, reading a clear and safe. ATmega16 microcontroller used to measure the temperature not only easy to control, simple and flexible configuration, it can reduce the size of instrument. This paper will introduce the basic concepts of electronic thermometer, electronic thermometer based on ATmega16 microcontroller design process, analysis of NTC thermistor and temperature sensor LM35 linear as correct methods of introducing liquid crystal display driver.I Keywords: digital thermometer, thermistor,ATmega16 microcontroller,LCD screen 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u 1 绪论 1 1.1 体温计的发展与现状 1 1.2 新型智能电子体温计的结构及其特点 2 1.3 总体方案设计 2 2 测温电路的设计 4 2.1 温度传感器的介绍 4 2.2 热敏电阻温度测量计算 11 2.3 放大电路部分 12 2.4 恒流源电路 13 3 ATmega16单片机 17 3.1 ATmega16单片机硬件介绍 17 3.2 电源管理与睡眠模式 21 3.3 系统控制和复位 22 3.4 AD转换器 24 4 液晶屏JXD160


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