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毕业论文 电影音乐的人性化表现手段 ——以影片《辛德勒的名单》为例 中文摘要 电影音乐作为电影艺术中烘托气氛、渲染人物内心情感的重要方式,其在刻画人物内心情感表现上有着不可替代的功劳。尤其是一些以刻画表现内心情感为主的电影。本文以影片《辛德勒的名单》主题音乐为例,通过介绍电影音乐的特性及基本概念,以及对影片主题音乐的简单分析,对影片中音乐与画面结合的表现手段几个方面的分析,得出了电影音乐在人性化表现上的主要手段。电影音乐作为音乐艺术的分支,集音乐艺术与自身特性于一身,在表现人物内心世界的演绎中,通过旋律本身的情感渗透和与剧情、画面结合的不同方式,从另一个方面诠释了影片中的生命主题。音乐,是人的灵魂的象征。音乐,决不是一串串单纯的音符,而是深蕴着人的精神的文化现象。如果说,生命思考是电影《辛德勒的名单》的主题,那么,人性探索就是《辛德勒的名单》音乐的精神主题。如果说影片中的生命,永远在瞬间与永恒之间希冀,那么影片中的音乐,在生命的希冀中,给人以充满生命之爱的温馨和与命运搏斗的悲壮。这里的音乐,所注重的不再是“景”,而是“情”。它所着重表现的不再仅仅是画面本身,更多的是人物(对于这部影片来说,同时还是一个民族)复杂、沉重的内心世界。 关键词:电影音乐 辛德勒的名单 人性化 表现手段 论文编码: 首都师范大学本科生毕业论文 刍议电影音乐的人性化表现手段 —— 以影片《辛德勒的名单》为例 Abstract As the important way to romance the atmosphere and descrip the figures in a film, Film music is irreplacement in a movie. Especily in a film which is full of emotions of human. This arctile is about the film music, and take the famous film the Schindlers List as a example. Though analying the Theme from Schindlers List and the different ways on the combination about music and screen, I want to find the ways about how music descrip the figures in a film. Also the film music here include the figure of both music and film, so the significance of music arts is worth to say a little. Music is the sign of humans souls. Music is not that only the set of notes, is the culture full of human sprits. If the theme in the Schindlers List is the thought about life, then the theme of the film music is the explor of human souls. If life is “to be or not to be” in the flim, then the music in this film is to encourage people to fight with fate, and it is full of the human souls which is warm and moving. So the music here is not the “sight”, but the “emotion”. It is the person’s sprit and even the peoples complete heavy worlds in their heart, and it is morm important than the screen itself. Keywords:film music, the Schindlers List , human soul, performance measures 目录 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………1 Abstract ………………………………………………………………


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