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PAGE 4 1 毕 业 论 文 题目: 硅藻土改性板材的研究 大连工业大学本科毕业论文 硅藻土改性板材的研究 The modified diatomite sheet research 论文完成日期 2013 年 月 日 学 院: 轻工与化学工程学院 专 业: 化学工程与工艺 学 生 姓 名: 班 级 学 号: 指 导 教 师: 评 阅 教 师: 大连工业大学 2013 届本科生毕业论文 PAGE 77 注:页眉,居中,楷体,五号。阅后删除此文本框。摘 要 注:页眉,居中,楷体,五号。阅后删除此文本框。 伴随着国内传统技术产业的进步和高科技新型无机材料的发展,非金属矿物的应用取得了较为显著的进步,对非金属型矿物进行深加工利用是满足市场发展的必由之路。硅藻土具有密度小、多孔性、比表面积大、耐酸、耐碱、吸附性好、绝缘等特性, 而且中国硅藻土矿储量丰富, 故而硅藻土作为一种新型的室内装饰材料近年来已经被广泛应用。本文在简单介绍硅藻土化学成分、表面特性等性质的基础上, 叙述了近年来国内国外对于改性硅藻土的利用以及硅藻土改性板材作为一种新型材料的应用价值,并且对于硅藻土改性板材的成分配比做了如下定制:硅藻土50%、水泥20%、岩棉15%、树脂10%、铝粉0.15%以及胶粉4.85%组成,煅烧温度在165℃,煅烧时间为3h,水料比为0.5。 关键词:硅藻土;改性;抗压强度;净化空气 Abstract The utility of non-metal mineral powder is developing rapidly with the development of traditional industry technology and new high-tech materials,thus it is of great importance to further process non-metal minerals in order to match the demand of the ever developing market.The diatomite is characteristic of Porosity,low density,high superficial area,good adsorbability,acid resistant alkali resistance, insulation and r ich reserves.Modified Diatomite as a kind of new adsorption material decoration materials has been widely used in recent years.In this paper,on the basis of the simple description of diatomite chemical composition, surface properties and other properties and elaborates a thing in this article :in china and abroad in recent years,as the development trend of new materials for the modified diatomite used and diatomite modified sheet as the value of a new material,and for a distribution of the sheet of Diatomite Modified likened the following custom: 50% diatomaceous earth, 20% of cement, 15% rockwool, resin 10% and 0.15% aluminum powder composed of 4.85%, calcination temperature of 165 ℃, calcination time was 3h, the ratio of water to 0.5. Key Words :diatomite;modification;Air purification;Compressive strength 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 摘 要 I Abs


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