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摘要 PAGE IV PAGE 3 毕业设计 滚轮注射模具设计 摘 要 本设计是关于塑料制件的模具设计。综合材料成型的各种工艺方式,本课题设置为注射模具设计。其中包括注射模的成形零件、工作零件、各种定位机构及导向结构的设计等。 随着塑料的应用领域扩大化,塑料零件的注射模具已成为工厂推崇的产品之一。产品的寿命及性能也是厂商的重要考虑因素。模具零件的标准化使用频率越来越高,及标准模具的选用越来越多。模具标准化程度在一方面体现了社会商品的交换程度。这也是本次设计重点考察因素之一。 塑料的性能,如此处ABS的应用,在一定程度上反应塑料的适用范围。本设计的制品是滚轮。对滚轮结构的合理分析是设计模具的基础。科学合理的选择有利的分型面及成型方案是本设计应该纳入的核心问题。此外,设计者的独特设计风格为以后设计提供参考。 设计参考一些前辈们的设计理念以及相关资料的数据。互联网及书本是本设计重要的参考资料。老师的指正及学生们的讨论让设计渐渐完善。模具设计的技术交流是模具设计空间提升的重要方式。经济全球化离不开技术交流。 关键词:模具,塑料,滚轮,标准化,技术交流 Trolley Wheel Plastic Mold Design ABSTRACT This subject is mainly about mold design, which is used to produce products made in plastic. Compared with many kinds of forming technology, this subject is aimed at injection mold design. This design includes these topics, like forming parts, working parts, all kinds of detent mechanism and positioning structure design, and so on. With the expansion of application domain, injection mold to produce plastic goods has become one of more and more popular products in factories. The age and function of mold is some of important factors. The application of mold standardization appears in factories frequently, and the selection of standard mold is more and more considered. The level of mold standardization implies the frequency about the exchange of social commodities. This topic is also one of significant considerations. The application domain of plastic, like the application of ABS in this subject, responds to the function of plastic in some areas. The goods in this subject are trolley wheel. The reasonable analysis is the base of the mold design. How to select reasonable joint face and forming technology should take into account in the key topic of the design. Besides, the special style of designer can offer some reference in the later design. This design consults many design ideas of predecessors and some data about the subject. Internet and books are important reference material. The design is becoming more perfect under the help of teachers and the d


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