
漏斗营销外文文献 Modeling the relationship between firm and user generated content and the stages of the marketing funnel.pdf

漏斗营销外文文献 Modeling the relationship between firm and user generated content and the stages of the marketing funnel.pdf

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IJRM-01270; No of Pages 17 International Journal of Research in Marketing xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect IJRM International Journal of Research in Marketing jour nal homepage: www.e lsevi er. com/ locate/ ijresmar Full Length Article Modeling the relationship between firm and user generated content and the stages of the marketing funnel☆ Anatoli Colicev a,⁎, Ashish Kumar b, Peter OConnor c a Bocconi University, Department of Marketing, Via Rontgen,1, Milan 20136, Italy b School of Business, Aalto University, P.O. Box 21230, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland c ESSEC Business School Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, 95201, France a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: While research has successfully linked social media to separate customer metrics, an in-depth First received on July 7, 2017 and was under conceptual and empirical understanding of how social media affects the stages of the marketing review for 7 months funnel is currently lacking. We draw on extant theories of consumer information processing and Available online xxxx source credibility to conceptually link and contrast the relationships between firm generated content (FGC) dimensions of neutral valence, positive valence and vividness, user generated content Senior Editor: PK Kannan (UGC) dimensions of volume and valence and the marketing funnel stages of awareness, consider-



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