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================ 精选公文范文, 管理类,工作总结类, 工作计划类文档, 欢迎阅读下载 ============== 英语小故事带翻译 11 篇 英语小故事带翻译(一) A Singing-bird was confined in a cage which hung outside a window, and had a way of singing at night when all other birds were asleep. One night a Bat came and clung to the bars of the cage, and asked the Bird why she was silent by day and sang only at night. “ reason for doing so, ” said the Bird: ” once when I was singing in the daytime that a fowler was attracted by my voice, and set his nets for me and caught me. Since then I have never sung except by night. But” the Bat replied, “Itis no use your doing that now when you are a 精选公文范文,管理类,工作总结类,工作计划类文档,感谢阅读下载 ~ 1 ~ ================ 精选公文范文, 管理类,工作总结类, 工作计划类文档, 欢迎阅读下载 ============== prisoner: if only you had done so before you were caught, you might still have been free. ” 一只画眉鸟被囚禁在窗外挂着的 一个笼子里,当其他鸟儿都酣睡时,她 却在夜里唱歌。有一个夜晚,蝙蝠飞过 来,抓住鸟笼的栅栏,问她为什么白天 默默无声,却在夜里放声歌唱。小鸟回 答说: “我这样做是有道理的,曾经有一 次,当我在白天唱歌时,一个捕鸟人被 我的歌声吸引,就用鸟笼子捉住了我。 从此我只在夜里歌唱。 ”可是,蝙蝠却说: “你现在这样做根本没用了, 因为你已经 成为阶下囚。若是在被捉住之前这样做 就好了,那样或许你依然是自由之身! ” 英语小故事带翻译(二) :工人和 蛇 The Labourer and the Snake A Labourer ’s little son was bitten by a Snake and died of the wound. The 精选公文范文,管理类,工作总结类,工作计划类文档,感谢阅读下载 ~ 2 ~ ================ 精选公文范文, 管理类,工作总结类, 工作计划类文档, 欢迎阅读下载 ============== father was beside himself with grief, and in his anger against the Snake the caught up an axe and went and stood close to the Snake’s hole, and watched for a chance of killing it. Presently the Snak


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