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Unit 5 Section A 3 1 contradict 2 paradox 3 perspective 4 explicit 5 suspended 6 derive 7 defy 8 retains 9 manipulating 10 tackle 4 –er browser messenger consume -ion negotiation objection reaction constitution cultivation definition expansion concentrate civilize 5 1 concentrated 2 messenger 3 civilized 4 Constitution 5 browser 6 objection 7 expansion 8 consume 9 definition 10 cultivation 11 reaction 12 negotiation 6 1 B 2 D 3 O 4 E 5 F 6 C 7 K 8 H 9 N 10 I 7 1 referred to 2 at odds with 3 put off 4 consulting with 5 do their utmost 6 took stock of 7 on track 8 take in 9 大发现年代,也被称为大勘探年代,是欧洲进行全球勘查的一个历史时期,始于 15 世 纪初并一直持续到 18 世纪。这一时期通常被认为是中世纪和近代之间的桥梁,当时西方帝 国主义刚兴起, 欧洲各王国之间正在经济上互相竞争, 他们想通过建立贸易路线和殖民地来 寻找财富。 在这一时期众多伟大的冒险家中, 最杰出的是克里斯托弗· 哥伦布,因为他发现 了新大陆。 欧洲的海外扩张导致了殖民帝国的崛起, 旧大陆与新大陆的接触也促成了两边的 互相交换:大量的植物、动物、食物、文化等得到迁移。这代表了历史上生态、农业和文化 在全球范围内最重大的活动之一。 欧洲大勘探让绘制全球性的世界地图成为可能, 从而使人 们看到一个新的世界与古老的文明遥相呼应。 10 The Silk Road is a traffic route in the ancient times connecting China and Eurasia. This trade route focuses on the trade of silk, hence the name “the Silk Road ”. As an international trade channel and a bridge of cultural exchanges, the Silk Road effectively improved the economic and cultural exchanges and development between the East and the West, exerting a profound impact on the progress of the world civilization. Nowadays, under the new historical circumstances, our country proposes the strategy of “One Belt, One Road ”(namely the Silk Road Economic Belt and st the 21 -century Maritime Silk Roa


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