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and she ③encouraged me to take part in the activity. At first, I was shocked by her advice, but I didn’t want to let her down, so I agreed. During that period, my mother often ③took me to the park to practice. I still remembered that day when I heard I won the first prize, my mother smiled happily. ③描述妈妈是如何给我建议、鼓励我、关心我。 * ④Now I am an outgoing and confident girl. ⑤Thanks to my mother’s encouragement and company, I have made such great progress. ④描述现在的状态:变得外向、变得自信。 ⑤总结全文: 表达对妈妈的 感激。 * 第一部分 教材知识研究 九年级(上) Unit 1 * 考点一 辨析take place与happen 考点二 辨析have been in, have been to 与have gone to 考点三 population的用法 考点四 辨析reach, get to与arrive 考点五 辨析offer, give, supply与provide 考点六 辨析thanks to 与thanks for 练讲重难点 * 辨析have been in, have been to 与have gone to(2013年2次,2011年词语运用,2010年2次) 练讲重难点 重难点精析 考点二 * 1.—Where is Mr. Wang? —He _______ the Summer Palace together with his students. A. has gone to B. have gone to C. has been to D. have been to A 考点抢测 * 2. I _______ Hong Kong twice with my father. We have many beautiful memories there. A. have gone to B. have been in C. have been to D. has gone to 3. Tina _______ Kunming for twenty years and she considers Kunming as the most comfortable place to live in China. A. has been to B. has been in C. has been on D. has gone to C B * 满分点拨 have been in “在某地待了多久”,强调过去到现在一直待在某地 have been to “曾去过某地”,强调往返的经历,已经回去 have gone to “到某地去了”,人不在说话现场 * 注意 当have/has been to和have/has gone to后跟某些地点副词,如here, there和home等时,介词to要省略。 * population的用法 考点抢测 4.The population of China ______ larger than that of any other country in the world. has B. is C. are D. was 考点三 B * 5.— ______the population of Beijing? —Beijing has got ______ population of more than 13.8 million. A. How many; the B. How’s; a C. What’s; a D. What’s; the C * 满分点


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