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Since the 1 980s from the international,as the improvement of globalization of finance,the way,the content and the system of financial supervision is also changing. Every country makes some appropriate revolution whose purpose is to loosen control
锄d s仃engtllen superV‘s1。n 0f the fin锄c谢superv‘s1。n system·The hugeSt challenge
that Chinese financial supervision faces is that how to make the safe connection
between internal financial supervision and international financial supervision.The thesis is to reveal the law problems existed in the area of financial supervision,analyses the developing trend of financial supervision theory and practice,consult the revolution experience of U.K.and U.S.’S financial supervision and give some pieces of advice and
opinions about how to improve the Chinese financial supervision in law.Besides
forward and the conclusion,the thesis is made up of five chapters:Chapter I:Financial
administ眦iVe supeⅣision sYstem。f tlle related c。ncepts黜狮alYzed·ch印terII:From
the Angle of economics and law are analyzed the basic theory of financial
supervision.Chapter III:First,the author introduces the abnormfl and disordered situation.and then some problems existed in the Chinese financial supervision law.Chapter IV:The introduction of two typical mote of financial supervision···-the
British mode and the American one,and they the summary of the successful
experience we can lean.Chapter V:With the successful experience of developed countries as a guideline and the deficiency of our system in mind,preliminary suggestions are made from different aspects to improve our supervision system.
■ Keywords:financial supervision;administrative;system;fintegrate supevision
目 录
目 录
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
绪论 1
一、研究背景和意义 ·l
二、国内外研究现状 2
第一章金融行政监管概述 6
第一节我国金融行政监管的概念 “7
一、金融行政监管主体 7
二、金融行政监管对象 ·7
三、金融行政监管客体 ¨ 8
四、金融行政监管内容 8
五、金融行政监管机制 9
六、金融行政监管冲突 9
七、金融行政监管协调 9
第二节我国金融行政监管的目标与原则 10
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